Ads Payout Status Update

This is a payout status update for the Brave Ads February, 2025 payout.

Brave Ads Payout status:

  • Users connected to Uphold: :green_circle: Payments Complete
  • Users connected to Gemini: :green_circle: Payments Complete
  • Users connected to Bitflyer: :green_circle: Payments Pending
  • Users connected to ZebPay: :green_circle: Payments Complete
  • Users connected to Solana: :red_circle: Payments Pending

Note that this status update post is for Brave Ads earnings payouts to Brave browser users . This thread is not for creator payouts.

Please make sure that you are using the latest version of the browser as it includes important fixes and updates that help ensure a smooth payout process

Didn’t receive your payout or only received a portion of it? Here are some things to consider first.

  1. Are payouts still processing?
    It may take several days to fully process the large list of transactions. You may therefore see other users receiving their payouts before yours arrives. Additionally, if you are using Brave Rewards on multiple devices, they may be paid out at separate times – that is, you may receive payment for one of your devices before the other(s). The browser, and this thread, will tell you when all payouts are complete.

  2. Are you included in the payout period?
    Please note that the payout beginning in February is for Brave Ads earnings throughout January. If you only recently enabled Brave Ads (for example, after January 31st, 2025), you will receive your payout in next month’s payout period.

  3. Why is my payment amount different than what my earnings was showing?
    This is perfectly normal! Sometimes ads do not fully reconcile (“cash in”) before the end of the payment period. So while this does appear in your earnings in real time, unreconciled funds will not appear in the current month’s payout and will instead be “rolled over” into next month’s payment.

  4. Maybe you received it!
    Your payout will be deposited directly into your account, so be sure to check your transaction history in your Uphold, Gemini, ZebPay, bitFlyer, or Solana account.