Ok, so at least you should be seeing what I mentioned. So not sure if you’ll get the full 3 BAT this time around, but we’ll see what it processes. As to how fast you get it, all depends on where you fall in system. In some months, we might be at the “front of the line” and receive payments as early as like the 2nd of the month. Other times, we may be at the “back of the line” or there could be some delays to where payment isn’t received until around the 15th of the month.
Overall though, they do try to have payments complete around the 10th of each month. Like I said, you can track at Ads Payout Status Update to see if it’s showing processing, pending, or complete for Uphold, Gemini, etc. If you see it show as complete for Uphold but it’s not arrived for you (as it seems you labeled this topic for Uphold, I’m assuming you connected to Uphold), that’s when you create a Rewards Support Ticket at https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001302431 and they’ll help figure it out and get you whatever might be missing. (Hopefully you won’t have to worry about that, but I wanted to include it as a FYI just in case)