Didn't received rewards, instead 0.25 BATS were transferred to Brave while Auto-contribution is disabled

@Jazzdak it helps if you can look at things like the very big banner on this website that shows that payouts are still pending.

So of course you didn’t receive your payment yet as Brave is saying they haven’t all sent and been received. You can keep track of that at Ads Payout Status Update

It wouldn’t take unless it’s on. Keep in mind that it is enabled by default and if you have any device or profile connected to Uphold with it enabled, it will take. So you will need to check all devices and profiles you have connected.

As to refund, not necessarily done but sometimes they can help. All you can do is create a Rewards Support Ticket at https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001302431 to see if they’d be willing to do anything.

Because you have provided no screenshots and haven’t said enough to really let us know what you’re speaking of, it’s hard for us to know as well. Do keep keep in mind that Uphold creates multiple accounts for things. Such as right now, my Rewards shows as below:


But if I look at Uphold:


If I click the little arrow on the left of the BAT token, it shows how my BAT is divided:


I’m honestly not sure how they came up with each of those. The Reddit and Twitter is from my Creators account. As to Rewards vs Browser, no clue why they created and differentiated there. Then the Basic Attention Token one is the catch all. You might be seeing something of a difference similar when you’re asking on difference.