Many Brave users are posting here and panicking instead of being patient. The payouts are going through but you don’t have the thing that says it arrived do you? All the screenshots and post that I have been seeing all show the banner that says January rewards are on the way. Keep an eye out!
That means exactly what it says, that they are on their way but that they have not arrived. If they have not arrived that means you cannot claim them.
The claim button only exist for people who do not have verified wallets. If you have a verified wallet you will not see the claim button. In that same area where it says the amount that is pending and that you will receive your going to see a button that says see details. If you click on that and scroll down to number one it tells you that not everybody will be paid on the seventh . It can take a minimum of 3 to 5 days in many cases and sometimes several weeks before everybody gets everything.
Are payouts still processing?
Although Brave Ads payout transactions begin on 7th of each month, it may take several days to fully process the large list of transactions. You may therefore see other users receiving their payouts before yours arrives. The team will keep everyone updated about payout progress