Received only 0.25 BAT instead of 3.517

Payments are still processing and some of us will receive more later on. So if you received partial payment, don’t be too concerned yet.

That said, it’s also possible your situation is related to the reconciliation process. This has been happening a lot since the end of last year. Sadly Brave hasn’t really said anything about it, except that we should expect it to happen on occasion. What happens is the system hasn’t fully reconciled/processed the ads we’ve seen. We have Estimated Earnings but that’s just what we should ideally get once things process. If that doesn’t happen in time, we don’t get what it fully calculated and resolved.

Typically the difference is up to 50%, so OP post saying 0.25 of their 3.517 is rare but it’s not unheard of. You should still see that BAT sitting in your current month’s Estimated Earnings which should pay next month.

Now, remember when I said it’s been happening a lot lately? Well, you’ll likely see the same issue next month or the month after. It’s annoying but we tend to get everything we’re owed, just not as fast as it should be coming if things could be handled better.

“Why is my payment amount different than what my ‘estimated earnings’ was showing”?
This is perfectly normal! Sometimes ads do not fully reconcile (“cash in”) before the end of the payment period. So while this does appear in your Estimated earnings in real time, unreconciled funds will not appear in the current month’s payout and will instead be “rolled over” into next month’s payment.
Ads Payout Status Update

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