BAT balance got to 0

How do I see what payments are pending for my account?
My total reward amount disappeared on the November 1st and reset my balance to 0. I should see a balance pending payment. Where do I find this information?

| Doskiie
November 9 |

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Payouts are still being processed

Ads Payout Status Update Rewards Support

This is a payout status update for the Brave Ads payout date beginning on November 7th, 2021. Brave Ads Payout status: Verified Uphold wallets : green_circlePayments Processing. Verified Gemini wallets : green_circlePayments Processing. Unverified wallets: green_circleClaims Available. Please note that this status update post is for Brave Ads earnings payouts to Brave browser users . This thread is not for creator payouts for tips. Checklist: Didn’t receive your payout or onl…

@MaxC1987 @rmikowski