@Prakhar19 what you’re describing is the usual behavior. When you connect, it takes it away from your browser and processes through Brave and gets sent to you. On places that have long been supported, such as Uphold, this tends to process within a day or two and arrives. However, for ZebPay, there’s a bit of a delay.
I believe they said this will appear with the following normal payout, which begins around the 7th of each month.
Do keep in mind this upcoming payout is the very first that will be occurring within the normal browser. While we hope it will go smoothly, there may be some delays or issues. The big thing for now is just asking you can be patient until after the payouts complete. If it hasn’t arrived, then you may need to create a Rewards Support Ticket at https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001302431.
Give it time though. Like I said, payouts don’t begin until around the 7th of October. It can take anywhere from days to weeks to complete. I’m not sure if they’ll include ZebPay in the normal topic they update with payout status, but if they do it will be at Ads Payout Status Update
Key thing is wait until it (the link above with the ads payout status update) shows that it’s for October payout and that all are complete before you create a ticket.