Brave Sync temporarily disabled on Desktop

Summary: We have seen an elevated number of crashes in the most recent desktop browser update (1.3.113), posted on Friday, February 7, due to sync-related errors. We have temporarily disabled Brave Sync in the latest update as we investigate the problem.

What is the issue?

We started receiving reports from users who were encountering consistent browser crashes on launch after updating to Brave v1.3.113. The crash seemed to be linked to devices that were part of an existing Sync chain, pointing to an issue in our Sync code. Due to the number of users encountering the same issue, we rolled back the update to prevent any further dissemination of the buggy build.

When will this issue be resolved?

We quickly distributed a test build for users to try that, once installed, should have resolved the crashing issues – however, the crashes only stopped for some users, while others are still seeing the same frequent crashes.

While we’re still working to locate and address the source of the issue, we’d like for users to be able to continue using Brave in the interim. As such, we’ve released another update today (02/10/2020) to v1.3.115 – this update, once installed, will disable Brave Sync automatically and should stop crashes caused by this issue for anyone still encountering it.

Please ensure you update you browser to the latest version – v1.3.115 – by going to Settings --> About Brave to initiate the update process. You can also download and run the installer on our website, which will fetch and apply the latest updates.

What if the browser is still crashing after the update?

If you have Automatic Crash reporting enabled, the browser will send Brave team the relevant crash data automatically once the crash occurs. However, whether this option is enabled or not, if you update to v1.3.115 and are still encountering the same consistent crashes, please reply here in this thread and let us know about it, along with your OS and any other behaviors you’re observing about the crash (if any).

If you update and the crashes do stop, please also reply in this thread and let us know that the update was successful for you. This will help us confirm that the fix has done its job and is safe to continue distributing.

Additional Resources

Github issue capturing data/reports on the crash:

Not sure if the crashes you’re encountering are caused by this same issue? Here are some other reports that describe the behavior in detail that you can use to compare:


Hi, still crashing. Want to send in Crash report file (too big for message) OSX 10.14.6 How do I send in the crash log? System does not want toi accept the file, just JPEGds etc.
R. (back to Safari and annoyed)

Tried to restore older version from TimeMachine (79.x) ut this crashes too. ??? Again, how to send in crash reports? Brave cannot be opened to enable automatic crash reports (don’t know if enabled)


I was not getting the crashes before (maybe because I was not syncing?), but after auto updating to Version 1.3.115 Chromium: 80.0.3987.87 (Official Build) (64-bit), I’m getting the crashes every few seconds or minutes (intermittent)

Will these also resolve the issues with seperate wallets being created on different devices? I can’t even find the option to show where my bat on android brave is located, does not show uphold wallet like the desktop does.

@bertonh, @rlfsoso thank you for reporting on the crashes. I’m forwarding the information to the team to look at.
@rlfsoso – if you’re trying to leave crash reports here on Community, you should use a site such as pastebin to do so.

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Quick follow up - I disabled extensions and re-enabled one at a time and discovered that, for mine, it is “Avast Online Security Avast Browser Security and Web Reputation Plugin” that appears to be causing the problem. When that’s off, there are no crashes (yet), and when it’s enabled, it starts crashing again w/in minutes.

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Appreciate you confirming that :slight_smile:

i never experienced any crashes. is there a build i can use to get it back?

I thought I was doing something wrong. Can’t say that I am glad it is system wide because it kinda sux but I am glad it wasn’t just me or my computer! Will be watching for when this issue is completely resolved!

Is there a Paste Bin specifically for Brave? I am, a member of PasteBin should I just paste the crash report into my own bin? Or is there a bin for Brave?

I was about to make a thread reporting this, It felt so weird, but thanks for the explanations. Hope it will be back soon.

Also I didn’t notice any crash so far.

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You can use your own bin and share the link to the report.

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Thank you @Mattches appreciate you taking the time to reply back! If I run into the issue again I will. Is the sync working again or is it still down?

And on the desktop browser is the wallet better? Or does it still need to be deposited into Uphold? In other words the BAT that shows on the mobile wallet doesn’t have the option to send BAT to another wallet. I can contribute to content creators, so does the desktop browser have a functioning wallet.

I downloaded the browser but couldn’t sync it with my mobile browser so all my passwords and history wasn’t there so I just uninstalled until the issue is fixed.

Just a dumb question: How do I get my bookmarks back since sync does not work?

Hi , my Sync on desktop is still disabled, what can/should i do ?
my version is [Version 1.3.115 Chromium: 80.0.3987.87 (Official Build) (64-bit)]

Export to some cloud storage location, import on other computer, deleted old folders, move imported ones to root. Takes about a minute, but, yes, painful.

No import on Android version . . .import to Chrome on desktop then use Chrome on phone :-(.

Hello, my desktop version (mac, latest) is not crashing. But, nevertheless, I would like to know when syncing will start to work again.

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