ERROR in components: Brave Ads Resources (IT)

@4354576 Have you checked ads availability at Regional Catalog Viewer? You may have reached ad campaign caps. Posting a section from User Solutions: Brave Release 1.40.x topic that may help. Lots of information on why you may be getting less ads.

Questions Answered: What about those Ads!?
Brave Ads FAQ

FAQ: Why am I not seeing Brave Ads?

Why don’t I see any Brave Ads after enabling them?

Regional Catalog Viewer

Catalog Viewer Plus Explained

Understanding Brave Ads Catalog Viewer by @Saoiray

Unusual activity in active campaigns in my region - #2 by Saoiray

Unusual activity in active campaigns in my region - #3 by Saoiray

Low “ptr” IC Ads preventing other IC Ads from being served by @g00z

Older post, related, with other useful info from @Saoiray.
Not earning rewards for ads

BAT per Ad Explained

BAT rewards drop from 0.01 BAT/ad to 0.001 BAT/ad

How does the 70% revenue share work regarding exchange rate flactuations?

Brave Rewards not 70% of ad revenue

Request For Comments and Code (RFC&C) Event

THEMIS RFC&C: Update #2


Discussion Topics:
What determines the number of ads per hour
Can the devs increase the amount of BAT per ad, given the current prices