Unusual activity in active campaigns in my region

Yes, it’s normal. No, not flagged. If you were flagged then you’d still see all the ads listed in that link but they wouldn’t be appearing for you OR you’d not get BAT when they did appear.

When you go to https://sampson.codes/brave/ads/my_region/ you’ll notice that it shows when campaigns begin and end. Some are very short and some last a long time. In addition, each campaign has a limited amount of times a person may view it. Check out the image below.

Looking at the very Top Left, you’ll see the start date for the campaign. On the Top Right is the end date. In this particular ad, it starts and stops today, April 30, 2022. Looking at the left side and going down, you’ll see where it says “Runtime” which also verifies it’s only running one day. Creatives is how many ads are in that campaign.

Looking closer to the middle, you see the value of the ad. This is how much you’ll get paid when you see it. This ad is 0.01 BAT per view. To the right of that is the same number as Creatives which shows how many ads in the campaign. Then to the right of that is a very important View Limits. You can see as many as 4 different numbers.

View Limit shows you how many times you can see ads from that particular campaign and earn BAT. It the 4 numbers as Day/Week/Month/Max. In this screenshot, you can see it shows 10 / — / — / 10. This means you can see up to 10 ads from this campaign before they stop showing for the day. Week and Month are blank, as there is no particular limit set for that (in this case, because it wouldn’t apply anyway). Then the Max says 10 times.

If you pretend that this particular campaign was running for 30 days but still showed 10 / — / — / 10, then that would mean once you saw 10 ads from that campaign, you’d never be able to see that campaign again (and if it does accidentally show more, you won’t get paid for it).

The percentage bar you see on the top, between the start and stop date of the campaign is showing you how close to ending the campaign might be. If it runs for 1 day, that’s 24 hours, and it’s been running for 12 hours, it’ll be at 50%.

Other things to consider is when you visit that link, it shows you ALL campaigns in the area. Just because you see campaigns there doesn’t mean you’ll be able to view them. The reason why is going to be OSes. This screenshot shows that the particular campaign is on Android, iOS, Linux, MacOS, and Windows. This means pretty much anyone. But sometimes there will be ones that target only dekstop (Linux, MacOS, Windows) and won’t show for mobile devices. Or others which might ONLY want Apple products so will only show iOS/MacOS as their target. If your browser isn’t on that type of device then you wouldn’t be able to see the ad despite having it show up in Ads for your Region.