Creating this as a master topic for all the duplicate posts regarding YouTube showing the adblock warning/notice.
Remains the same. Keep browser updated, go to brave://components
and make sure everything there is updated. Lastly, you may need to clear all Google/YouTube cookies.
I actually had just experienced this message for the first time myself.
When I first saw the notice I made sure to update components and tried. Notice appeared again, so then went to clear cookies just for YouTube. When I returned, it didn’t take long for the notice to appear again.
I gave it a little time and then checked components again. Much to my surprise it did an update or two, even though had done it just like 10-20 minutes before. I then went to
and searched for Google and YouTube and then removed all cookies. When I returned, so far YouTube isn’t giving the notice.Then to one up, I also just did the update to Brave 1.61. I have video playing this entire time and no issues. I’ll let you know if it comes back for me. Otherwise assuming everything has been resolved for now.
Started merging and hit wrong button, which messed things up,. which is why this is attempt #2. Sorry if any confusion.
Below is excerpt from my prior PSA on this. It kind of repeats the above but said differently
This is something that seems to be appearing quite often around the internet and I figured I’d try to create a topic exclusively on it. Below are some things to keep in mind. All information is from what I’ve experienced and learned from others. This isn’t anything official from Brave.
You’ll encounter this on any browser or with any extensions
Every web browser and adblock is encountering this message. Nobody will be immune. That said, Brave is keeping up and slightly ahead.
Switching to Firefox, Vivaldi, or whatever else won’t save you. Neither will using uBlock Origin, AdBlock, Undetectable Adblocker, or any of the bunch of things out there.
What can be done about it?
Be mindful of what extensions you’re using. Some will more easily trigger this message. One such extension is
Enhancer For YouTube
which has an adblock component in it that people were unaware. Fewer extensions used = less chances of issues.Try not to add a lot of custom content filters. The more you add, the higher chance of breaking content or getting adblock detected. Ideally you shouldn’t need to have added anything.
Be mindful of using multiple adblockers. If possible, use only Shields.
Keep your components and browser up-to-date. YouTube is actually pushing out new blocks multiple times per day to try to counter anything that Brave, uBlock Origin, and other adblock are doing to try to circumvent detection.
To update components Brave on Android or Desktop, go to
and make sure things likeBrave Ad Block Resources Library
andBrave Ad Block Updater
are at their latest by hitting theCheck for updates
Adblock components are being updated multiple times per day. Brave automatically applies those updates, but it’s set to check like once every 5 hours (some discussion is occurring about updating more frequently). Manually checking and updating will make sure you’re using the latest quicker and may help resolve the issue.
If an update is applied, it’s good to exist Brave and reopen. You should notice the issue is resolved at that point.
I may have more to add later, but these are the key parts. I do know some had to do things like clear cookies for Google in order for the message to go away, but that’s not happening often enough for me to include on a key part of the suggestions.
And no, unfortunately there’s no way to manually update the components on iOS at this time.
Make sure:
You have everything updated at
Brave is updated to its most recent release
You are using little to no extensions. If you have an issue, remove them entirely or test in private or new profile. You’ll tend to see issue won’t persist when you do this.
Don’t use custom filters if possible.
You may have to clear cookies/cache, as some have reported the warning will continue to show until then.