PSA: Known issue with Gemini (Gemini is down)

Update: January 26, 2024

A couple weeks ago, give or take, we had a Community Call. In it one of the things asked is whether we’d see Gemini reinstated and/or countries added to Uphold happen before or after on chain payments arrived. The answer is that it is more likely for on chain payments to land first. There is no immediate sight of Gemini becoming fully active again, though it’s still being worked on.

Do keep in mind things change and there’s always a possibility for good news. But for now I just want everyone to go with the assumption that Gemini support is not going to be available for at least a few more months. If they surprise us, will be good. I just don’t want anyone excited about it and then being mad when don’t see any changes. For now, we’re just stuck waiting until the next gears are in place and get moving.

In the meanwhile, I also want to recommend everyone check out things like PSA: Current and upcoming changes to Rewards and Creators to realize the path Brave is taking and how on chain payments are in the works.

Update: December 1, 2023

Sorry I went AWOL on this. This situation essentially is one big headache. Long story short: I don’t think they’ll have it open any time soon for new users or new devices. Possible fix coming for those with existing connections. Otherwise, seems focus might be on alternatives for the future.

Here’s what we know:

  • Chriscat, the Product Manager for Brave Rewards, mentioned they were looking into a workaround for the issue. This was on November 10

  • Chriscat then posted on November 17 to say they were hoping to find a solution for users who stuck in the situation of not being able to reconnect to Gemini on existing devices. Supposedly will keep updated and expect to deploy a fix soon.

  • No updates have been given from Chriscast since November 17 and no ETA known on any possible fix.

Beyond that, Gemini seems to have had its hands full with changing regulations and everything. For example:

So yeah, all of that plays a part. But other thing is Brave has been working on trying to get on chain payments on Rewards. This would allow us to receive BAT directly in our Wallet without having to go through a custodial partner. This is a high focus area right now and something being actively worked on.

Nothing official to say this, but I’m just kind of to the point to say Gemini is dead in the water and I’m not seeing a lot of hope for it in the future. Chriscat and others at Brave may surprise me, but it is what it is.

Anyway…that’s all I know in regards to Gemini. I’m assuming won’t have any other updates for quite some time.

Update: October 14, 2023

Unfortunately still have no updates. Those I’ve spoken to at Brave don’t have any answers on what is taking Gemini so long to get the integrations running again. I have been assured that messages have recently been sent and they are hoping to hear back on something soon.

In the meanwhile, it remains as has been said before. Gemini is down for any new browser profiles. We had been told that browser profiles that had connections before should be able to reconnect, but we weren’t seeing a high success rate in reality.

So I’m going to tell you that Gemini integration is down for everyone, even though we’re officially hearing something slightly different.

Update: September 27, 2023

Brave and Gemini have attempted multiple fixes and have some more incoming. Unfortunately, people are still saying they aren’t able to reconnect with existing profiles. This is something being looked into and hopefully resolved before long, but no ETA for it happening.

I also want to stress that what’s being worked on is only allowing people with profiles still linked to Gemini to be able to login again. This is not to push a fix to allow new users or browser profiles to connect.

So if you wipe your computer, create a new profile, reset your Rewards, download on a new device, etc you will not be able to use Gemini.

Update: September 7, 2023

Unfortunately, many people are reporting they are getting an There was an error processing message that appears when trying to reconnect with an existing profile. Gemini and Brave have been trying to work on resolving it.

Update: September 5, 2023

Integration to Gemini is now up for existing users. New users will see the Gemini option grayed out, meaning any browsers that was not previously linked to Gemini will not be able to connect at this time. This is something that they are working on but I don’t have an ETA to give you.

UPDATE September 1, 2023

They had been hoping to get it up today but I see it’s still down and I haven’t had any updates. But since it passed the original goal’s timeline, I wanted to at least post to let everyone know it’s still being worked on. I know if nothing else they are in the midst of testing a possible fix.

Update August 25, 2023:

Been contacted by the Rewards team with an update to advise Gemini may have a timeline of getting the issue resolved on their end next week. The hopes are they’ll have it down fairly early in the week so Brave can have things activated on their end in the second half of the week. This is the hopes for the earliest it will happen.

I want to stress again, this is their hopes and the earliest it will happen. There can be delays. So maybe give it up to another week.

I also want to note that I asked if this will activate for everyone or if regions like Canada and Singapore which had come down prior to this issue will stay down. The simple answer is they aren’t sure and so we’ll see what Gemini is able to get back up. We’ll be hoping for the best but don’t be surprised if they suddenly go back to USA only for a short while.

Original Post

Just wanted to let everyone know there is a known issue with Gemini. There are people who are trying to connect but are getting messages that your request is still being processed, please wait or Error: Connecting to selected custodial temporarily unavailable.

This is something they are looking into and trying to fix. I do not know what the issue is or the ETA. But at least wanted to put out a small notice for anyone who might be experiencing issues.

You can check to see if this has been resolved yet by looking at

As of August 19, 2023 it still is down:

They are working with teams at Gemini to get the API up and running again. They are trying to get it back up this week (so August 20-26 or so) , but we’ll see how it goes.


How long has it been down for?

maybe a couple of weeks, possibly all of august.

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Yeah it’s been down for at least 3 weeks now and they didn’t even realize it was down until 7 days ago. With how Gemini has been lately with lawsuits, layoffs, slow support responses and random account closures I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this never gets fixed, but we’ll see.

Yep, still down. Been waiting to connect after switching to Brave for this reason.

Update August 25, 2023:

Been contacted by the Rewards team with an update to advise Gemini may have a timeline of getting the issue resolved on their end next week. The hopes are they’ll have it down fairly early in the week so Brave can have things activated on their end in the second half of the week. This is the hopes for the earliest it will happen.

I also want to note that I asked if this will activate for everyone or if regions like Canada and Singapore which had come down prior to this issue will stay down. The simple answer is they aren’t sure and so we’ll see what Gemini is able to get back up. We’ll be hoping for the best but don’t be surprised if they suddenly go back to USA only for a short while.

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Any chance of getting another exchange for Canadian users? Kraken maybe? Uphold charges abhorrent fees to even convert eth based currency to others within the exchange itself, then they charge brutally for withdrawals. Gemini at least allows us to convert to another currency without having to spend all our BAT to do so, but they have been unreliable lately.

I wish we had more exchanges for Canadians. Coinbase? Kucoin? Kraken? Anything is better than uphold…

UPDATE September 1, 2023

They had been hoping to get it up today but I see it’s still down and I haven’t had any updates. But since it passed the original goal’s timeline, I wanted to at least post to let everyone know it’s still being worked on. I know if nothing else they are in the midst of testing a possible fix.

Also this was posted on reddit by the devs 3 days ago:

“We’re now working up a solution to allow existing users to log in to Gemini again if they’re logged out, but may see some more downtime for new users trying to connect to Gemini.”

If this realistically will never be fixed, Brave should redirect us to another KYC custodian and formally terminate their relationship with Gemini for clarity for their users!

This is still down. Has been happening for weeks, no end in sight. I try and “connect” my account to integrate it, and I get a text verification code from my gemini account. Then, it is unable to connect once it goes back to Brave and directs me to the brave status website. Meanwhile, one of my operating systems has since had to be wiped and I’ve probably lost out on months of rewards due to this system. Perhaps Brave should post a meaningful ETA on their status update page, rather than a cryptic “downtime” message with no additional context. If this was a few days, maybe that would be fine. A week, I’d cut some slack. But weeks and possibly months of no meaningful context of what exaclty is going on? C’mon.

Should we delete our gemini account? is Brave rewards RIP? Are our funds safe? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!!


Update: September 5, 2023

Integration to Gemini is now up for existing users. New users will see the Gemini option grayed out, meaning any browsers that was not previously linked to Gemini will not be able to connect at this time. This is something that they are working on but I don’t have an ETA to give you.

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Does not work for me (previously logged in):

Just want to confirm, you were previously logged in on that exact browser and Rewards profile?

Yes, this is happening on both my PC and Mac laptop - both of which have been logged in before.

@steeven I relayed this to Chriscat but wanted to tag you in here as well. Looking at Ersan’s post history, they are USA. Also had been flagged in July. Old ticket from that is 209677 if you are able to pull up closed ticket to see their info. I’m curious if it’s an issue with the integration or if it’s an account side issue.

Didn’t see this reply before I made a new ticket #220448 - not sure if the old ticket has all the information you need or not.

Yes I am USA and have been receiving payouts for months before these issues.

EDIT: Also these are the logs from rewards-internals

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mine also will not connect to gemini. was previously connected.

If you guys are getting the “There was an error processing” error message, then it might be a known issue that affects certain Gemini accounts, but I’d have to confirm with Gemini’s team.

I could confirm this myself for you if you send me your Gemini address, but it’s up to you. @Ersan

Another way would be to enable verbose Rewards logs in brave://flags, then restart, then try again. When it fails again, it’ll have captured logs. Then you can download the logs at brave://rewards-internals > Logs > Download full logs, then send the .txt to me at [email protected].

Ah - I was looking for a way to enable verbose logging, I sent you an email with the log attached and my Gemini address.

This appears to be the relevant line:

{"code":400,"message":"error linking wallet: failed to validate account: error no valid documents in response"}

Seems like was intended to clarify this error but it was blocked. Guess it’s in your hands now.

I’m getting this error and my Gemini account was previously linked to Brave for months with no problem. Also, out of nowhere my Brave Creator account linked to Gemini all of the sudden says your area not supported. I live in the USA and don’t use a VPN so I have no idea how that happened there, but now I can’t receive tips anymore. I don’t understand why this is happening.