Almost no rewards this month

Don’t know if this is happening for everyone but this month I have only 2 bats, when last month I had almost 10 bats (comparing same periods) , what is happening?
If this is going to keep happening, brave is done.


@creator1 Which OS? If Android, might be tied into PSA: Android Rewards Bug being worked on

Otherwise, might just be issue with ads in your area. You can check to see how many ads in your area, which OS they are targeting, etc.

new tab ads is 0.003 bats when it was 0.025 bats, it is bad.


Yes, I noticed that. Sometimes 0.002 here (in the UK right now) too but that’s on Windows 10 desktop. Windows 11 and android seeing no ads for a while now. Thanks for the link @Saoiray, at least I know what’s going on with android.

Does not even pay the extra energy consumption of a laptop. It’s cheaper leaving Brave closed :stuck_out_tongue:

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same for me support says it always been that way . NOT at .002 you need view 500 ads to earn 1 bat view 333 ads to earn 1 bat that;s half a penny each view think the advertisers know this

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I am experiencing the same thing. BAT 0.44 in 15 days :confused:

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They fluctuate. I provided link to place where you can see how much each ad pays. Everyone is hyper focusing on 1-2 campaigns when you have a lot more. And the campaigns paying lower are Brave’s, where they just are paying out of pocket to give us more ads. Otherwise you might not get any ad at all. It’s a “something is better than nothing.”

I’m not sure if you saw it, but I did make a video because of some of the conversations going on. Don’t know if it’ll help on information, but you can see it at

You on Android, by chance?

not on the phone. pc. windows.
If it’s changed, there’s nothing you can do. quite a bit i think

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Ok, so let me ask. If you go to do you see a lot of campaigns available? Also, if you check under OSes for the campaigns, is your OS being target much by campaigns?

Second thing I’ll suggest is you also kind of run through and check settings I talk about at PSA: Current FAQ - #21 by Saoiray to see if making adjustments there might help.

yes 10 campaigns and 20 creatives and for windows. I checked everything and it seems normal. While I bought 5 BAT in 15 days last month, I got 0.5 BAT this month. that’s the only difference. I guess the ad payments have gotten cheaper

is brave gonna reverse these changes? If not, I dont think anybody is going to care about rewards…

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Hi Saoiray, Thanks for your response on this topic. However, I am getting very “strange” results. For the record:

  1. Wifi device connected to Uphold account shows BAT as “$undefined” and 0 ads in catalog and no ads offered for last 4-5 weeks
  2. Other Wifi device NOT connected to Uphold account shows several ads in catalog and no ads offered for last 4-5 weeks
  3. Main smartphone connected to same uphold account as #1 shows several ads in catalog but no ads offered in last 4-5 weeks
  4. Main laptop connected to VPN (locale is not the same as region which is “disabled”) shows 0 ads in catalog and, strangely, is the only one showing occasional ads, but only when I actively open new tabs.

The way that ads are offered seems to be totally random and restricted for me…

I am checking the setting discussed in PSA: Current FAQ - #21 by Saoiray but they all seem to be correct.

Any ideas why this is happening?

same issues no bat rewards increasing and not conneibg any wallet

So I’ve realised that the ads I am not getting are new tab page ads from advertisers - only Brave ads and that’s why rewards are only coming in at 002 and 003 these last few weeks. I am getting the pop-up notifications. Only thing I’ve done different is I am currently in the UK, but @Saoiray and @SmartyAadi as you know all my profile settings on Brave and Uphold match my UK ID. I have time zone, locale, etc. set to UK except keyboard language which is set to UK English with a US Keyboard - any ideas?

I see. Well, maybe try changing the keyboard. Don’t know if that will help, but always worth a try!
Also, yes, on my Android I get more of notification ads and very less SI ads. They don’t pay more than 0.0025 BATs.

Lo habitual. Una irregularidad mas. Yo hace dias he desistido de usar el navegador, y llevamos asi muchisimo tiempo, con continuas irregularidades de un navegador que ofrece lo que no cumple con la permisividad y pasividad de sus responsables, que obviamente, debieran ser conscientes lo que aqui publicamos.


Nah, I need my keyboard set like this as I use English (UK) for voluminous document reviews at work (correcting English US documents to English UK among other things) and personal stuff - that would seriously affect productivity. I just can’t understand why I am not reeceiving non-Brave ads on new tab pages. Strange things in logs about me having no epsilom greedy bandit arms which I think is related to ad categories? Yet another ticket to Brave support I guess (its all I seem to do these last few months). :sob:

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Out of curiosity, if you go to the ads catalog and look for SI ads, are there any non-Brave ones there that are set to appear for your OS? If there aren’t, then that would answer you on why you’re not getting them.

I just looked for mine and there’s only one ad campaign at this moment that has SI. It is a Brave ad campaign.

If yours is like mine, then there’s your answer. If advertisers aren’t paying to have SI shown, then we won’t see them. Rather than leave us with absolutely no possible ads, Brave will often touch into reserves to pay for ads so we can get something, rather than nothing.

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Exactly the same as your screenshot (except GB). Thanks for the link, which seems much more accurate than the impression I formerly had from I thought there were 44 active campaigns and couldn’t figure out why for 2-3 weeks now I wasn’t seeing them! The two info sources seem to be at odds (to me) but perhaps I am just misunderstanding, which I often do. :blush: