@lukeslikeluke there are always a lot of variables. Your country, device, view limits on campaigns, your device settings, what you have enabled, etc. You definitely should be earning more than 0.2 to 0.4 BAT. When I see something like that said, it seems you never go to Brave News and/or that you don’t open New Tabs with Sponsored Images enabled.
Other issue could also be, are you keeping Brave updated? If you have an older version of Brave, then things will start to fall off and you won’t be earning.
In regards to settings, you’d have to also make sure your device isn’t stopping Brave from providing notifications. Remember, the primary method of ads from Brave are ad notifications which come as system notifications on your device. Such as if you’re using Windows and have Focus Assist enabled, then it might not show you ads during certain time periods or if you’re busy playing games or watching videos.
Don’t forget, Sampson volunteers his own time to update a site which shows us ad campaigns in our regions. It also provides information like which OS those ads appear on and the maximum amount of times we can see ads from a campaign per day, week, month, and total.
Let’s look at the below for example:
This Norton ad campaign is running for a little over a month, from October 25 through November 30 (37 days).
- The particular ad/campaign I’m showing you here says it is for Windows users only.
- It pays only 0.001 BAT per view
- We can only get up to 1 ad per day
- Maximum times any one person can see these ads is 5.
- PN listed on it means
Push Notification
, so it would appear as a notification and not on New Tab Page or Brave News.
So while I see this campaign listed, the chances are that I’ve seen it the maximum amount of times and it no longer will appear to me.
You can check this out for yourself at https://sampson.codes/brave/ads/my_region/
But yes, many ads are paying only like 0.001-0.005 BAT per ad, which isn’t helpful. We have to see hundreds of them. If we end up having a lot of campaigns where we’ve hit the view limits, earnings will drop.
That said, Brave usually has enough house ads and campaigns going on in general that we should see enough. For example, my current status is as below:

So I’ve seen 580 ads.
Of that
- 352 were from NTP ads.
- 219 were Push Notifications
- 9 were from Brave News (I use it often on iPhone but not Desktop, so I lose out on BAT there)
And for that, only getting an estimated 1.378-2.564. That definitely is small. It used to be a bit more than that, but it will fluctuate.