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I have searched for like topic and can’t find. No bookmark icon and backspace key not working. Please help.


eu acredito nesse projeto a brave e o melhor


Hi there :slight_smile:
Currently, my friend has installed Bravo browser in his old computer, windows xp sp2 with this Bravo version: Version 0.68.140 Chromium: 77.0.3865.90
He said that the installation was going well but Bravo couldn’t do anything, but giving black blank space after he ran it.
Need some explanation.


Hi, I was used brave browser in windows 7 ultimate OS. But I was a problem, so Reinstalled same OS. I’m installed brave browser again, but it can’t open. It shows Only blank white web page. What can I do? Anyone help me to this problem.


my audio doesnt work , it works on all the other browsers but brave.


Nowhere in this topic which I was referred to has anything to do with what I asked in the forum.


Hi there, greetings from Brasil!

I’m new here at Brave, it’s been only a couple of days since I’ve installed everything, and I haven’t been receiving any ads. So, I began to search in the topics to see what I could be doing wrong, and as it turns out, I did everything right so far, however I still can’t see the brave app in my notifications panel, my OS is Windows 10.
I believe that could be a reason why I’m not seeing any ads, but nobody seems to have the same problem, and when they do, they don’t share how did they get it solved, so that’s why I’m replying here.

I’m sorry if this is the wrong category, I’m still learning how to manage in here :slight_smile:

Can someone help me out?


Try to restart the program ?


This is all utterly confusing. Please simply answer my question or move it to the ‘correct’ category as I have no idea how to do what you want.


After installation did you grant permission to get rewards??


Good Day All,

I have Brave browser more than 2 months, but so far, I have the below rewards. It did not bother me to check it earlier. But now, I feel that I want to fix it.
So, the rewards for 2+ months: http://prntscr.com/tt2zk3

Somehow, my browser has created two profiles, but none of them gets rewards. For the time being, my UpHold wallet is not verified yet, as I hold my coins in different wallets.
Wondering what is going wrong so far and I dont get rewards.

Thank you in advance.


HOLA , los BAT ganados por anuncio no llega a mi billetera de Uphold, perso si figura en la cuenta de brave image


whether linked account need to have many subscribers to get verified

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Hi, i use brave version 1.22.71 on Android huawei p40 lite e 2020, when i tap on “claim” my Phone colse the app, can i do something to take my bat rewards? I have 2 reward to take, one has 0.250 bat and one has 0.500 bat

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I can’t use my Brave Browser with JAWS screen reader. It just started happening for some reason. If I open Brave and go to a web site that needs my email address as soon as I enter the email address Brave crashes. I am having this issue on any site that I need to log in on. If I shut off my screen reader it works fine. This just started a day or so ago.

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Macbook Pro 10.13.6 high sierra - brave up to date - I cannot save new links/bookmarks in any folders - I deleted high-count folders after copying them
shut-down, restarted. No change. Please help, thank you

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@Rick ,

You posted your issue in the wrong place. Please create a new topic and fill in the details as requested (including, deleting “the any text above . . .”). Please describe in detail, what Bookmarks file(s), where they are, specifically what directories you attempted to copy them to . . . etc.:

Screen Shot 2022-03-03 at 5.55.59 PM

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How does one actually post a question to the community? I see no way to post anything except for replying to other’s posts.

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@Venusc ,

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