Thank you for your feedback and I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
I had another user express something similar – and while the entirety of my response there doesn’t track with your issue, I would like to quote a portion of it:
- Brave is has a very small staff of ~100 folks in the company – and an even smaller slice of that pie are developers. Every single member of this staff is working extremely hard to make Brave the best browser it can be. Everyone on the team is stretched very thin, but everyone on the team loves the work
- As a last consideration, in the last month, posts per day on Community alone have ranged between 252 and 67 with an average ~180 . Note that [with the same staff] in addition to Community, we also provide support on:
Given the rapid increase growth (thank you all!
) and all of the above considerations, we truly appreciate your patience with us as our team and browser grow to adapt to these new challenges.
That last part I’d like to highlight/reiterate since you mentioned we don’t have to “answer every single thread” – but even then, there are a ton to respond to and read. This is why we leverage our Community and encourage users to help one another – this makes our staff a little bigger
Additionally, I’ve read through both of those threads you posted and I understand the frustration that comes with putting effort into a detailed issue report and getting no response. That said, its noted in the posting guidelines that you can at any time tag me (using @mattches) or any other moderator/team member on Community – this notifies the person tagged directly and will often alert us to issues that may have slipped through the cracks.
If you would still like to troubleshoot the issue:
Please let me know and I’d be more than happy to work with you.
If you still want to leave:
We’re sad to see you go – hopefully our paths will cross again some day! I’m also happy to remove your account/data from the Community site as well, just let me know – should take around 60 days (this is a joke ).