How to create a Bug Report

Everything about your issue, that you can state in detail, helps Brave Support with the time that they have to consider your issue and situation.

In order for Brave Support to help you, they much prefer that you will use their Report Templates at:

Support Templates Reference

  • Bug Reporting Template - Desktop
  • Bug Reporting Template - Mobile (Android / iOS)
  • Bug Reporting Template - Web Compatibility (web pages and sites experience)
  • Brave Rewards/Ads Template (for Ads / BAT / Creators / Payments / Rewards / Wallets)

BEFORE you create a new Topic for your issue, go here:

Pertaining to your issue, select a category from the ‘all categories’ pop-down menu (example: ‘Browser Support’). The resulting window will currently display seven panels (with explanations) from which to choose. Select the panel that most applies to your issue:

  • Desktop Support
  • Mobile Support
  • Web Compatibility
  • Ad-Blocking
  • Firewall + VPN
  • Sync
  • Brave Wallet (Self Custody)

In the next resulting window, near the top (example:)


. . . use the ‘all tags’ pop-down menu, to select an appropriate tag (egs.: “windows” for Windows OS).

THEN click on the + New Topic button.

In the resulting Report Editor window, note that the categories and tag are, as you selected (example:).


. . . and a Report Template exists, with respect to the category / categories you selected.

Note, that in your report(s), GIF files and screenshots are helpful and welcome. Describe where in such illustrations, you want to focus the reader’s attention.

I combined and updated the Desktop and Mobile Browser issues templates, as follows:

Description of the issue:

How can this issue be reproduced? Steps to reproduce:

Actual Result (that you see, given your issue):

Expected result (that you expect to see, if issue resolved):

Reproduces how often:

Brave Version: (other than “latest update”)

Computing device and its OS:

Additional Information:

Such as:

  • How many (total number of) extensions have you added to Brave Browser?
  • What types of extensions are Enabled?
  • What types of extensions are Disabled, for testing your issue?
  • What types of extensions have you Disabled and Un-installed, for testing your issue?
  • How many Anti-Virus extensions?
  • How many Anti-Virus applications are installed?
  • Any ‘Internet Security’ -type applications installed?
  • How many Blocking -type extensions?
  • How many PDF management extensions?
  • How many Internet download manager extensions?
  • How many Progressive Web Applications (‘PWA’) are you using?
  • What is the status of your Progressive Web Applications, for testing your issue?
  • Do you usually open a ‘New Window’ or a ‘New Private Window’ when you browse and visit websites?
  • Do you have a ‘New Private Window with Tor’, open, when the issue occurs?
  • Are you using a VPN, when the issue occurs?
  • Have you examined your firewall(s) that ‘just maybe’ are Blocking Brave Browser?

PS. About the Brave Community website User Interface buttons:

Before posting, search for the same or similar issues at Brave Community:

Before posting, also search the Brave Help Center for answers:


Problem is, that when to search here in Brave community, then “+New topic” button is not visible. E.g. after search we found that no topic with my issue and would like to create a new one. We have to open new tab with community main page in order to create a new topic. Would propose to add “+New topic” button visible on every community page, regardless of what is displayed.