Youtube (at least in India) has started detecting ‘Brave Shields’ being up as adblock, and warns of playing only 3-4 videos and then stopping playback. Of course, bringing down ‘Brave Shields’ lets videos play, but with the full swathe of youtube ads being displayed. Does Brave plan to fix this or is there already some workaround s.t. we can continue to view Youtube without ads ?
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@falcon74 please try to Search Before Posting . As you can imagine, this has been a hot topic and been addressed many times now. While users (I’m just a normal users who spends time helping) and Brave Support are here to help, it does get frustrating having to repeat just because people didn’t take the time to search first.
Just to give you an idea of what I mean about “many times” of having it come up:
Official topic:
Update (10/29/2023):
If you are fully updated (both Brave version ad ad-blocker component) and are still being detected by YoutTube, it may be the extensions you have installed. There are some extensions that will trigger Youtube’s detection that may need to be disabled or you will continue to see these prompts.
This especially applies to 3rd party ad-blockers you may have installed, since they all update at different times and they may not all have include a fix for YouTube’s ad detection.
My unofficial topic:
This is something that seems to be appearing quite often around the internet and I figured I’d try to create a topic exclusively on it. Below are some things to keep in mind. All information is from what I’ve experienced and learned from others. This isn’t anything official from Brave.
You’ll encounter this on any browser or with any extensions
Every web browser and adblock is encountering this message. Nobody will be immune. That said, Brave is keeping up and slightly ahead.
Switching to Fir…
Bunch of random topics:
Curious if anyone else has been seeing this lately. It just started yesterday, out of nowhere, after no previous problems with Brave. UBlock is up to date, version of Brave is up to date, shields are up. Curiously, no problems on my Chrome browser or my Brave mobile browser.
Running Win 10 Pro on a ThinkPad, version 1.58.131 Chromium: 117.0.5938.92 (64-bit).
So Youtube is fighting back against Brave’s ability to circumvent their ads. Is there a workaround?
[youtube blocking brave]
Description of the issue:
Youtube warned and then blocked any video
Exact URL of the website in question:
Any YT video
Screenshot of the ad as it appears in Brave:
Did the issue present with default Shields settings ? (yes/no)
Does the site function as expected when Shields are turned off?
when shield is turned off yt is working but with all the ads
Does the ad appear when using a Private window as well? (yes/no)
What OS are you using when you see the ad?
I’ve been using Brave for almost 2 years on my laptop with no issue playing YouTube videos. About 3 days ago, YouTube has blocked playing videos in Brave. Videos do play in a couple of other browsers. I’ve disabled the Shield and ad blocking but videos still won’t play. Brave is my default browser. Version 1.59.20. How can this be corrected?
Hello, YouTube is blocking me for using Brave. It will not allow me to view videos unless I pay them. Here is screen shot of the problem. This started Sunday October 29th after midnight. I am using Brave version 1.59.124 Chromium 118.0.5993.117 official build 64 bit . Please help. I’m not using anything but Brave Browser. Thank you.
YouTube is detecting brave ad blocking and shutting down the player. the screen shot is of the player itself and not the usual pop up.
Brave Version 1.58.137 Chromium: 117.0.5938.153
Today, surprisingly, YouTube started to show this message on Brave browser.
[Source Image]
It shows me every time, when I refresh the Youtube website on Brave browser. What should I do? Will they ban my Google/YouTube account?
The list can go on…
Big thing is making sure:
To update brave://components
Make sure you’re using little to no extensions (especially if it might have an adblock capability you’re not aware of. For example, Enhancer For YouTube extension)
Make sure Brave is up to date
You may need to try to clear cookies/cache.
Don’t have too many Content Filters
January 4, 2024, 9:38am
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