Severe, Everlasting, BAT Issue


I’ve been using Brave desktop browser on Windows 10, now Windows 11, since last year. I accumulated around 7-8 BAT by March 2022. Then, I noticed I wasn’t receiving ads anymore since around March 2022. I thought perhaps it was because I never verified my Brave Rewards that whole time (yes, I know…) and decided to go ahead and verify by linking to my Uphold account I created back in 2019. After clicking on the “verifying” hyperlink under brave://rewards/ > Manage Brave Rewards, I then proceeded to link and verify to my Uphold account. After doing this, my original BAT balance that was previously showing in Brave that whole time, immediately went to 0.000 BAT. I thought everything went through and that the BAT was transferred to Uphold, etc. However after 3 days now, I’m still now seeing the BAT reflecting in Uphold. I’ve already attempted to contact Uphold as well, however I’ve still not heard back from them yet. Therefore, is this normal? Why haven’t I received any ads since March 2022? Does it take a long time for BAT to be transferred to Uphold? Is there anyway to track BAT just like we do BTC on the blockchain, in order to find out where it went?

Other issues to note:

Now, my Brave browser is showing Verified when I click on the BAT logo, however if I go to brave://rewards/ > Manage Brave Rewards, it still showing like I never Verified and gives me the option over and over again. I did attempt to verify a second time, which did nothing still, and still showing the same. Also, under View Statement, there is no transaction history regarding anything, other than going way back to April 2020 where it states “Mar 9, Ads rewards received, 2.500 BAT” etc. That’s it. I researched a lot as much as I can, and did perform some other troubleshooting steps, like ensuring the Windows OS region matches where I’m actually located, etc., and still no avail.

Does anyone know anything about what may be happening? Is this multiple errors or just one causing a multitude of problems? I have previously enjoyed using Brave, for everything it stands for, however in lieu of all this, and not being able to trust IF I’ll actually receiving all my hard earned BAT, it kind of makes it pointless right? Other than privacy features, which we can also find in other competitors, etc. BAT rewards is literally a make or break for me, and perhaps most people as well, and I do hope Brave can resolve this and anything going forward. I TRULY wish everything was in house. No more third parties, etc. Like for example being able to properly and easily store my BAT in my own Brave Wallet, or wallet of my choice, etc. I, and many others, have had a multitude of problems with Uphold, not to mention their extremely high fees, etc.

If anyone can please help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

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Sorry, I also forgot to mention, that sometimes when clicking on the BAT icon, it’s still show “Next Payout, April 7th”… etc. Does anyone know why? Also, under brave://rewards/ > Brave Private Ads > Next payment date, its been showing just a blank greyish box for a long time now. Some thoughts, did I accidently corrupt something within Brave and how it issues ads? I do travel a lot, therefore my OS region will not always match my IP address, etc. I’m also a Microsoft Windows OS Insider with Microsoft 11 Beta currently being used. However, to rule this out, I been using this OS with the Windows Insider Program since 2021 with no issues with BAT Brave Rewards, only until March 2022 and after. Perhaps did an Brave update break something? Or vice versa with Microsoft? Thanks again.

Is anyone available to please help me? Thank you.

Probably you are flagged (no more earning by March, no balance received to the exchange), if you want to be sure of it, unlink-relink Uphold, if flagged a message will then show it.

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Hi. Thanks for your reply. I did exactly like you said, however still no avail. Everything is exactly the same as before, as previously described. Uphold also finally replied back stating however that they could do nothing about it and it was up to Brave to resolve. Uphold’s message is as follows:

"Thanks for getting in touch with Uphold. We’re proud to be a partner of Brave and will be glad to assist. For this kind of issue, it’s best to contact Brave directly.

You may want to review Brave’s support page and this is also their main support channel, or browse their FAQ for more details:

If you have any other questions, please reply to this email. We’re always happy to help."

Yeah… What else could it be? Anything from anyone? Sorry I’m a newb still, but does Brave employees actually read and see these messages, and if so, wouldn’t they be able to track the BAT via some type of chain, etc.?

Thanks again for everyone’s support!

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@Johnny6 It is weird that you are not getting any error messages. Or if you are, it is unclear exactly what message(s) you are getting. You also didn’t follow instructions and provide the information in the template that was displayed when you created your topic. That is basic information needed by support staff for troublshooting. Your topic was detailed, but not very organized, and it lacked some of the basic information needed for troubleshooting, including Brave version & OS, whether you use a vpn, are you in a supported country, etc. Sorry to be blunt but it would have been really helpful if you would have provided the information requested.

Your best bet to get direct support help is to submit the form linked below. Make sure you provide all requested information or your request may be closed without notice.

Thanks for you response. I went ahead and resubmitted my original posts with the URL you provided, etc. Hopefully someone will respond back ASAP with a successful resolution. While I’m waiting for that, I do see that under brave://rewards-internals/ > Event logs, there is a log entry that states “06/13/2022, 03:53:17 AM promotion_claimed 5.500000”. What is that? I do remember 5.500000 being that last total amount or something similar to that, etc. Who claimed it? Where did it go from there? And why did it ONLY disappear AFTER linking to Uphold? Seems very suspicious right? Thanks again!

June 16

Thanks for you response. I went ahead and resubmitted my original posts
with the URL your provided, etc. Hopefully someone will respond back ASAP
with a successful resolution. While I’m waiting for that, I do see that
under brave://rewards-internals/ > Event logs, there is a log entry that
states “06/13/2022, 03:53:17 AM promotion_claimed 5.500000”. What is that?
I do remember 5.500000 being that last total amount or something similar to
that, etc. Who claimed it? Where did it go from there? And why did it ONLY
disappear AFTER linking to Uphold? Seems very suspicious right? Thanks

Visit Topic

I don’t have anything I’m sorry

Furthermore, after thoroughly reviewing all data provided found at brave://rewards-internals/, everything seems fine and normal. I don’t see any data pertaining to an account suspension or anything similar. Everything states normal things like “Wallet info > Key info seed: Valid”, “External wallet info > Wallet status: Verified”, and “Ads enabled: true”, etc. And this is after unlinking and relinking my Uphold account as previously advised. Everyone having this or similar issues, please like this post and reference your posts so we can gain attention to this ongoing sever matter. Thank you.

Can anyone please help? I still have no resolution. Uphold keeps stating it’s Brave’s fault, and Brave appears to simply not know what happened to my BAT at all. I do have all the data from the logs, as previously stated, showing what happened up until it “disappeared”. Isn’t that enough? Doesn’t BAT operate on some type of chain in order to track and facilitate, etc.? How do I contact someone who can help me please? Doesn’t this seem like it’s starting to get really strange? This whole situation? Let’s recap" User has BAT accumulating, BAT stops accumulating, user verifies wallet AS INSTRUCTED BY BRAVE, BAT immediately vanishes upon verifying, no one knows why?.. Perfect “red flag” scenario right? Its now going on 6+ days since reporting…



Possibly the following steps will assist you, re getting a definite indication of ‘Flagged’.

Thank you for attempting to help out. I do greatly appreciate the effort. However unfortunately, after follow all steps exactly as listed in your post, plus the others mentioned there as well off site, etc., still no avail. I am definitely NOT flagged now. I can confirm that based on the steps above. The only thing close enough I found was this. I’ll copy and paste:

[Jun 16, 2022, 3:56:35.1] Failed to migrate rewards state

[Jun 16, 2022, 3:58:24.7] Failed to migrate rewards state

[Jun 16, 2022, 4:21:35.6] Failed to migrate rewards state

[Jun 16, 2022, 4:21:49.0] Failed to migrate rewards state

[Jun 16, 2022, 5:51:18.2] Failed to migrate rewards state
[Jun 16, 2022, 5:58:30.4] Publisher info not found
[Jun 16, 2022, 6:37:06.8] Publisher info not found
[Jun 16, 2022, 6:39:46.2] Publisher info not found
[Jun 16, 2022, 6:41:58.6] Publisher info not found
[Jun 16, 2022, 6:53:00.2] Publisher info not found

[Jun 16, 2022, 7:47:30.9] Failed to migrate rewards state

[Jun 16, 2022, 8:43:29.2] Failed to migrate rewards state

That is the exact date and time I first and finally attempted to verify my wallet after so long (I know…). I do remember signing up for being a verified publisher as well since I have a very small non profitable, YouTube channel. It’s the same and only account I have with Uphold as previously researched to verify and mentioned. And the logs do mention this a lot. If anyone wants, I can upload all the log entries since June 16th, 2022, the date in question, if it helps.

Thanks so much once again for your help! Please continue to help me troubleshoot this everlasting, ongoing, very strange issue. Thanks.


Sounds like, your account profile has not been Flagged.

You need help from @steeven of Brave Support.

IF you are asked by Brave Support, to send them a Direct Message (“DM”) . . .

Let us say that you want to send a Direct Message to @steeven - then in a Brave Browser window, go to:


Click on the Message button - looks like:


Your private info, such as your Wallet Payment ID - found at: brave://rewards-internals/ you would only send via a Direct Message (“DM”).

Thank you. @steeven , please help! Thank you all once again.

Ok, I sent @steeven a DM as well now. Thanks again!

"However after 3 days now, I’m still now seeing the BAT reflecting in Uphold. "

It’s been awhile for me, but doesn’t it show up on uphold during the next payment cycle?

EDIT: It’s been awhile since I linked to Uphold so I may be misremembering.

Hmmm, I don’t know. I wish it was that simple, despite the long wait, but due to the logs as of above, I feel it’s something else. Thanks though.

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