🚀 Performance Acceleration for Youtube on Brave Desktop.. Add these filters for 3x Faster page Loads and Minimal Distractions.. Also, Includes Feedback for brave://settings/socialBlocking

Please Note this method should not be followed by any users who spends more time reading comments than watching the actual video on Youtube… If you are obsessed with reading comments, do not add any of these filters in content filtering of Brave Shields

What Will Happen if you add the Below Filters ?

No Comments Section.
Comments Section will be Completely Hidden

Description and End Points will be Hidden.
You will No Longer See Video description, Maybe some tags but that should be it.

Stats and date of video will be Hidden.
Total Number of Views and Uploaded date will No longer be shown

No More Long/Infinite Loading of Recommended Videos.
You will still see Recommended Videos but they will be very Minimal… This means that if you have FOMO, these filters will help you out as it will give you the feeling of completion.

Faster Page Loads and Lesser Internet Data Consumption.
You Will Experience Faster Load Speeds and also you will be able to save Internet bandwidth data as the background network requests will be blocked greatly. The Internet data bandwidth saving aspect which i said should also deal with you stop watching more videos, ->>if the recommended section isnt aggressive like how it is now, you would probably spend less time on yt, watch lesser videos and thus saving data ultimately.

Saves time and will End your yt addiction slowly.

Helps you to Spend Less time on Youtube and May also slowly help you to stop your addiction towards youtube->(if you find yourself spending more time on there and procrastinating on things which you should be doing).

Improves Immersion Greatly.
Gives Maximum Immersion and Helps you to focus on the Video.

Please Note that the Supernova VM is in Performance test phase so it is normal to notice some issues if you are expecting perfection But as far as for the Brave Browser Performance test, Everything will be Really Fast.

This video will show you everything->>> which you will notice after adding the following filters which are listed below…

Also, i would scroll down on some videos and the scrolling would end so soon->>>>> so that is the level of Recommended Video Content you will see on Youtube’s recommended videos section found on the right side of your desktop screen.

Filters List.








www.youtube.com##div#header:nth-of-type(1) > .style-scope.ytd-item-section-renderer

accounts.youtube.com##div#header:nth-of-type(1) > .style-scope.ytd-item-section-renderer




www.youtube.com###expander > .expander-header.style-scope.ytd-comment-replies-renderer

accounts.youtube.com###expander > .expander-header.style-scope.ytd-comment-replies-renderer




www.youtube.com###author-thumbnail > .yt-simple-endpoint.style-scope.ytd-comment-renderer

accounts.youtube.com###author-thumbnail > .yt-simple-endpoint.style-scope.ytd-comment-renderer

www.youtube.com###button > .style-scope.ytd-menu-renderer > .style-scope.yt-icon > .yt-spec-icon-shape > div

accounts.youtube.com###button > .style-scope.ytd-menu-renderer > .style-scope.yt-icon > .yt-spec-icon-shape > div



www.youtube.com##div#contents:nth-of-type(3) > ytd-continuation-item-renderer.style-scope.ytd-item-section-renderer

accounts.youtube.com##div#contents:nth-of-type(3) > ytd-continuation-item-renderer.style-scope.ytd-item-section-renderer

Where Should you add ?

Add these Filters here and make sure to click “Save Changes”

Sidenote: If you know other useful filters, Please let me know.

i think Brave Browser should add these type of optimizations here brave://settings/socialBlocking like sites for yt so that users doesn’t have to do the Manual work…

Until Brave team adds this feature, i hope other users would find this list useful.

Make sure to use the clipboard feature or expand it to copy the full filter lines

Hiding css elements won’t improve performance. Comments are still being rendered, just not being shown.

I would be wary adding these filters

Have you watched the video ? For me, i have noticed an improvement in performance.

Few reasons why you may claim on why adding these filters wont improve performance…

  1. You are using Stock version of windows 11 which might have several processes running in background
  2. You haven’t turned off the Efficiency Mode in Windows 11

For Example, see the number of processes and the power throttling column, it should show disabled for ALL…

If not, you should disable it.

By Default windows doesn’t include power throttling in columns so you have to activate the column manually

Adding these filters temporarily to the content filters list wont cause any harm in major way, so i suggest you to try and experiment it before ignoring at first glance.

Performance improvement wont be massive like i am not exaggerating it But in general it should be +0.870ms faster than default brave. PC Hardwares will also play a role… your claim about rendering might be true but blocking these filters certainly makes a difference, atleast for me on the virtual machine.

Also, Lesser the Processes are running in the background, Faster the performance of the foreground app will be…

My Windows Processes is 23 as of now on Win 11 Supernova.

While i recorded the video which i shared today on the 1st reply of this post, there were few other things running on the background of the host os which is the reason why startup was little bit slow.

Play this stopwatch test video which i recorded before few days ago to see the real difference… im sure performance would have been improved on yt if i added these filters on that day while i recorded that stopwatch test video…

if you still find it ineffective, then fix this issue by introducing new features on social media blocking brave://settings/socialBlocking by correcting all of the things which you consider as flaws in my method… Thank you. I like your shields work…

Other optional filters to bring that feel of minimalism and cleaner ui



www.youtube.com###show-hide-button > .style-scope.ytd-live-chat-frame

accounts.youtube.com###show-hide-button > .style-scope.ytd-live-chat-frame

www.youtube.com###movie_player > .ytp-chrome-bottom > .ytp-chrome-controls > .ytp-right-controls > .ytp-size-button.ytp-button

accounts.youtube.com###movie_player > .ytp-chrome-bottom > .ytp-chrome-controls > .ytp-right-controls > .ytp-size-button.ytp-button

if you are unable to add videos to a playlist, play the video first and use 3 dot menu to add the video to playlist using the save button. You will still be able to add all videos to watch later playlist conveniently without any issues.

As far as the testing has been done, you wont experience any major issues due to the additions of these filters but in case you discovered something is not working, revert the changes by removing these lines which you added from here.

New Filters



What does these filters do ?

These Filters will stop the Infinite/Long scrolling on the home page of www.youtube.com

For each tags you select, the videos will now be limited to 20-24

New Stopwatch Test…

In this test, Win 11 Supernova Scores 79.70 Seconds… You can feel the speed of yt performance and the acceleration which you will achieve after you add these filters…
Also, For each video load, see the transition speed and how the animations are being very smooth

For this Stopwatch test, Instead of VM Launch, I will Perform a Restart

Does Long/Infinite scrolling works in other pages ?


I Just checked a Longer Playlist and scrolled it, it works correctly, so the Playlists pages aren’t affected by the addition of the filters

However descriptions and other options will be hidden

For Example…

With Filters applied

Without these Filters

Also on the home page of yt and on other yt videos the 3 dot menu will still be present but just wont be visible, click that area and you will be able to use it

same method also applied for the recommended video on the right side of the screen.

This would be useful if you want a touch of everything but dont want to overstimulate it and waste away time mindlessly. Yt can be fun but it could also be enemy for you, make sure whatever you do gives you the feeling of completion, IF NOT, find a way to do it… For the case of youtube, these methods should work.

The Best Feelings in the world are I created it, I made it, I did it so make sure you spend your time on achieving them and not on consuming what other people are doing with their life and what news/trends are currently going on because engaging in all these wont profit you in meaningful way…

At the end of the day, Peace of mind is very important… Make sure you take care of your Mental health.

The above video will also be used for the vertical tabs feedback which i will post tomorrow…

i think discourse has some issues displaying filters as the filters list of my previous replies seems to be cut off…so i will try another formatting method and lets see if it displays it correctly…

New Filters Added

  • Dislike Button Removed… i never dislike videos and since the dislike feature is half restricted by yt, the button is removed to improve immersion

  • YT Shorts page updated…

One thing which is surprising me is that there are certain things which you could do on Win 8.1 & older version of brave But Win 11 and latest version of brave Just cant seem to do it as effective as windows 8.1.… Even using the term “Effective” is little bit misleading because this feature on win 11 works sometimes and sometimes not…

What is that feature ? It’s scrolling the shorts video with mouse wheel and not having to press the up and down button… Technically, it seems like i can mouse scroll the shorts video of yt in win 11 but it gets stuck after 3 or 4 videos where win 8.1 is flawless… There is no doubt win 8.1 is the fastest os every built by Microsoft… Simply Awesome.

The Performance of yt shorts page which you see is on 9+ months older version of brave, chromium 109… this one feels like 3x faster than win11 which i posted previously…If shields team figures out a way to fix broken shields on yt in older versions of brave, then it would be awesome as it would end up giving less reasons to launch vm…









www.youtube.com##div#header:nth-of-type(1) > .style-scope.ytd-item-section-renderer

accounts.youtube.com##div#header:nth-of-type(1) > .style-scope.ytd-item-section-renderer





www.youtube.com###expander > .expander-header.style-scope.ytd-comment-replies-renderer

accounts.youtube.com###expander > .expander-header.style-scope.ytd-comment-replies-renderer





www.youtube.com###author-thumbnail > .yt-simple-endpoint.style-scope.ytd-comment-renderer

accounts.youtube.com###author-thumbnail > .yt-simple-endpoint.style-scope.ytd-comment-renderer

www.youtube.com###button > .style-scope.ytd-menu-renderer > .style-scope.yt-icon > .yt-spec-icon-shape > div

accounts.youtube.com###button > .style-scope.ytd-menu-renderer > .style-scope.yt-icon > .yt-spec-icon-shape > div



www.youtube.com##div#contents:nth-of-type(3) > ytd-continuation-item-renderer.style-scope.ytd-item-section-renderer

accounts.youtube.com##div#contents:nth-of-type(3) > ytd-continuation-item-renderer.style-scope.ytd-item-section-renderer



www.youtube.com###show-hide-button > .style-scope.ytd-live-chat-frame

accounts.youtube.com###show-hide-button > .style-scope.ytd-live-chat-frame

www.youtube.com###movie_player > .ytp-chrome-bottom > .ytp-chrome-controls > .ytp-right-controls > .ytp-size-button.ytp-button

accounts.youtube.com###movie_player > .ytp-chrome-bottom > .ytp-chrome-controls > .ytp-right-controls > .ytp-size-button.ytp-button




www.youtube.com###dislike-button > yt-button-shape > .yt-spec-button-shape-with-label

accounts.youtube.com###dislike-button > yt-button-shape > .yt-spec-button-shape-with-label

www.youtube.com###comments-button > .style-scope.ytd-reel-player-overlay-renderer > yt-button-shape > .yt-spec-button-shape-with-label

accounts.youtube.com###comments-button > .style-scope.ytd-reel-player-overlay-renderer > yt-button-shape > .yt-spec-button-shape-with-label



www.youtube.com###button-shape > .yt-spec-button-shape-next.yt-spec-button-shape-next--tonal.yt-spec-button-shape-next--mono.yt-spec-button-shape-next--size-l.yt-spec-button-shape-next--icon-button > .yt-spec-button-shape-next__icon > yt-icon > .style-scope.yt-icon > .yt-spec-icon-shape > div

accounts.youtube.com###button-shape > .yt-spec-button-shape-next.yt-spec-button-shape-next--tonal.yt-spec-button-shape-next--mono.yt-spec-button-shape-next--size-l.yt-spec-button-shape-next--icon-button > .yt-spec-button-shape-next__icon > yt-icon > .style-scope.yt-icon > .yt-spec-icon-shape > div

www.youtube.com###pivot-button > .style-scope.ytd-reel-player-overlay-renderer

accounts.youtube.com###pivot-button > .style-scope.ytd-reel-player-overlay-renderer





accounts.youtube.com###segmented-dislike-button > .style-scope.ytd-segmented-like-dislike-button-renderer > yt-button-shape

www.youtube.com###segmented-dislike-button > .style-scope.ytd-segmented-like-dislike-button-renderer > yt-button-shape

vertical tabs feedback will be posted later…

Again filters list seems to be cut off due to formatting issues of discourse…i’ll post a quick fix for this very soon

Visit this link for full filters list update, it has very neat formatting and no issues.


Just Press Ctrl + A and Ctrl + C and you will have the entire list in your clipboard which you can paste it on content filtering page of Brave Shields.

And make sure to click “Save Changes”.

Filters List has been Updated

What’s added New ?

  1. Dislike Button Completely Removed
  2. While a video Gets ended, Lots of Recommended video cards will be shown, Right ? All of those what to watch Next will be Blocked
  3. Channel Logos appearing as overlay over the video and Paid Sponsor info will be blocked
  4. External Product Sponsors Link appearing on the videos will be blocked
  5. Live Chat will be Blocked.
  6. Shorts Pages has been Updated

With this New Filters being added to Your Content Filters, You will be able to Experience More Cleaner and Super Minimalistic Look on Youtube which helps you to focus on the video.

As i said Earlier, it won’t be nice if Recommendations is Completely Removed, You will Still See Recommended Videos, but there won’t be infinite lengthy scroll anymore(You’ll reach the end of Recommended videos much sooner).

I have Checked Everything, Only thing these filters will break are ->>>>> If a channel has more than 3000 videos uploaded, if you go into their channel and browse the videos tab, you will only see ~30 or 32 videos that have been uploaded recently…(if you want to see the full list, disable the shields temporarily and browse the videos).

Also community seems to be broken

These are the only 2 issues which i have known but its not a problem for me as i rarely access these two…

The Amount of Speed the addition of these Filters delivers and the time it saves Makes me care less about these above 2 flaws

New Performance test on Win 8.1… Feel the Speed

For this video, Shields is activated but it is not doing the blocking, Blocking is done using Network Request blocking features with the patterns which are added here


Youtube Shorts

While i sign in using other accounts

While i sign in using this account, Yt is changing the UI

So i Guess the above video will be the new UI which other users will also get as time passes by…

New Filters Can be Seen in the Mega Link of the above Reply

To avoid confusion of what’s added New… the old filters and New filters will be divided/Separated in the middle

I have updated the Filters again… The New Changes are mostly visual improvements For Improving the Immersion.

Actually I Was working on updating the other Project(which i posted here) on Google Docs and whenever i go on Full Screen in Google Docs… Google Docs kept displaying press Esc to Exit the Full Screen…i finded that to be annoying as it showed almost everytime i go into Full Screen for 5+ seconds and Wanted to Stop it from being shown and stopped it aswell

While i did that, YT Full Screen mode also came across my mind… Whenever you Go into Full Screen, Yt used to show->> Title, Scroll for details, Share icons, watch later icons, Playlist icons on the videos as overlay for 3 to 5 seconds, Right ?, All of those distracting elements will now be blocked from being shown to you, So that in a way, Going on yt in full screen feels like going vlc in full screen… Nothing will be shown and Immersion will be improved…

The Newly added filters are


The above filters are also updated in the Mega.nz link

watch Later icons and share icons will only be hidden while you are on full screen, Watch Later icons will still appear on video thumbnails on Recommended videos section which makes it easier for you to add videos to watch later playlist

Scrolling down while watching videos on Full Screen will still work and You will be able to Browse the videos as usual(while video gets played on Full Screen)…

only thing which im feeling Guilty is i am unable to hide “Press Esc to Exit Full Screen” in yt, on Google Docs, i have managed to hide that text when i go in full screen but with yt, i am unable to get it blocked… other than that, Everything else is Good…

Watch the video to see what improvements can be seen in Full Screen mode after you add these new filters… Also in this video, you’ll still see watch later icons being displayed in the Recommended videos, its just that icon wont be available while you watch videos in Full Screen

Make sure to turn off Autoplay 1st before you add these two filters otherwise autoplay will still be activated.



Also For Recommended videos at the End of video Which are Auto Generated, I have Forgotten to add a Line to block the video list of Recommendations… Add this Below Line to your Brave Shield content Filters to Block it.


CSS cosmetics (filters with ##. and ###) has not impact on performance. Its pure decoration. Having too many cosmetics, or bad cosmetics can make worse performance.

Hiding the element just hides the element, for example if you created an element to hide the video www.youtube.com###player-container The video will still play and performance will remain also. It just purely cosmetic.

tldr; Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t make it faster.

Play a video on Full screen on a Virtual machine and play it at normal size, you will see a difference in performance…

Like you say some info may still be rendered but only the initiators may be activated and since the nth type of content 2 render is being blocked, the browser blocking those visuals of extra elements and further chain/expanders of renderers Responsible for infinite load Allows the CPU, GPU and cores to focus Only on the existing ones for which visuals are activated…

Having the video being loaded with full visuals actively played and blank/black renderers with videos being still activated in hidden state like which you are referring alongside with many other elements being loaded are not exactly same… The performance differences can be seen while used in vm where there are No GPU drivers are installed, Just the Guest additions.

if you’re so concerned about performance just use piped.video and an extension to automatically redirect videos to it when you open them in a new tab (i use Piped watch).

these filters won’t change much except in transition speed from normal mode to full screen mode, RAM usage will be almost the same.

YouTube updated infinite scroll



www.youtube.com###continuations > .style-scope.ytd-watch-next-secondary-results-renderer

New Update For Removing Pull up For Precise Seeking and Updated Filters for Removing Recommendations appearing at the End of videos

New Filters to add

www.youtube.com##dismissible >ytd-continuation-item-renderer.style-scope.ytd-watch-next-secondary-results-renderer
www.youtube.com##div.ytp-storyboard-framepreview ytp-storyboard-framepreview-big-boards






Bard → I can’t assist you with your Request
Brave Shields → I Can Help You with your Request

The above video Performance was Win 11 Supernova VM with Win 8.1 as Host OS… I have almost Made the Win 11 VM Performance to make it Feel Like another app of Win 8.1 and Also Improved Immersion.

Full List is added Here


Recommended Guide for Improving Youtube Audio’s Experience in Brave Browser

See the New Update for Updated EQ Settings.