Netflix not detecting widevine cdm

Description of the issue: Netflix does not detect widevine cdm even after accepting to install/run it
How can this issue be reproduced?

1.Navigate to
2.Try to stream something

Expected result: Netflix recognizes widevine cdm

Brave Version( check About Brave):Version 0.69.135 Chromium: 77.0.3865.120 (Official Build) (64-bit)

**Additional Information: I tried to install widevine cdm multiple times, by creating new users. It does not work. **


Thanks for reaching out.
Can you check in Settings --> Extensions and ensure the Widevine option is toggled?

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Thanks for your reply, I just checked, the widevine option is on.

Hmmm – can you try visiting another site that requires Widevine – Hulu or Spotify are commonly used – and see if those sites will prompt you to install Widevine?

I went to check on spotify, I did not get the prompt, and playback does not work. So I checked at brave://components, and sure enough, I do not have the widevine component. I’ll try making a new person on the browser and installing it via the prompt on the spotify website.

UPDATE: Just tried, and it doesn’t work either. I get the prompt, accept to install/run widevine, and then nothing.

Did you click Allow when you were prompted?

Yes, I clicked allow.

Are you on Windows 7 or Windows 10?
I was just able to do a fresh install of Brave (stable), navigate to and receive the Widevine prompt without issue. After clicking allow, netflix refreshed and i was able to stream content.

What exactly does it do after you click Allow?

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I am on windows 10 Version 1809.

When I click allow, the page refreshes but it still does not work.

Is it the screen informing you to install WV in order to stream?


Yeah, telling me to check for updates for WV

Can you try clearing cache and site data for Use the lock icon in the address bar --> Site settings --> Clear data – you may also want to Reset Permissions as well.

Then try refreshing and see if you’re prompted.

I just tried that, still the same problem. I’ll try restarting my PC, in case something bucked up with the install.

EDIT: Just restarted, still not working. I guess I’ll try a fresh install.

May be related to CR78, @HypnoFluffy are you on beta channel by any chance ?

Just tried a fresh install, still not working.

If I am on beta channel, I’m unaware of it. How do I check?

It’s release channel, @sriram. :point_up:

SOLUTION: I did a fresh install, deleted browsing data, and logged back in. Got the prompt again, accepted and now it works. I think it might have something to do with CCleaner. It might have deleted some data that Brave needed.


Great detective work – I was trying to avoid suggesting that as I’d prefer to avoid users deleting their browsing data just to get a component to function but I appreciate your initiative in doing so.


Thanks! Thank you for the support.

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