Brave sync on iOS is completely broken and has been for many months! - plus other bugs with sync on iOS too. (iOS) If you have iOS please read!

in the latest beta version on iOS passwords do sync, so it will be in the stable version at some point

it’s a shame the iOS section doesn’t get updated like the android and desktop does:

iOS still says the last update was 25th of January (1.34.01) currently its 1.36 on iOS

Just so you know, the latest version released last night (my time) added debugging!
So I will be sending some files over to the dev to help with the bug.

Thought I would just let you all know!


Oui, pareil pour moi : 10.15.7 pour mac et 15.4 pour iphone :slightly_smiling_face:
Je ne savais pas que la derniÚre version avait ajouté le débogage ! Merci de nous en informer !
Et merci pour l’envoi des fichiers. Il est plus que temps que ce problĂšme soit rĂ©glĂ© :roll_eyes:

Yes, same for me : 10.15.7 for mac and 15.4 for iphone :slightly_smiling_face:
I didn’t know the latest version added debugging ! Thanks for letting us know !
And thanks for sending the files. It’s about time this problem was fixed :roll_eyes:

Oh, man, fingers crossed! Thanks for the update!

Just to update you all,
Since the last version added debugging so they could find out the issue, I was asked by a dev to send over some photos after the issue happens again, except it hasn’t happened again for me since the last update!

That doesn’t mean I might not have the issue again, I will keep trying every day to see if it happens again.

I should add, they didn’t add a fix in the latest version, just the debugging so they can see lots of technical details they couldn’t previously. It just happens that I haven’t had the issue since!

I will continue speaking to the devs and send over photos when I have the issue next.

I let the last dev that I spoke to, the same that I said here too.

Yesss !! Enfin, ça a fonctionné ! Merci ukheater de nous avoir prévenu !

Yesss! Finally, it worked! Thank you ukheater for warning us !

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so, are people still having this issue?

Yes, I tested yesterday with the new versions between my iPhone and MacBook and iMac. The phone still does not allow you to enter a current sync chain.

so you’ve tried using both camera and sync code to enter your sync chain?

Yes, both the code words and QR. Code resulted in a message that sync servers are down, and QR just failed back to the sync screen.

i used to get that sometimes, but after a few goes it succeeded

I am having the sync will drop if I go back into sync still. but since the last update my sync chain hasn’t died once!

Can people reply if they are still having issues.
What is working and what isn’t?

I will reply to the dev again to update.
They do keep an eye on this post, but not as often as I do, so I will relay info over.

I should add, the last update wasn’t a fix, it just added debugging, but I and others haven’t had as many issues since the last update.

For me, sync hasn’t died once since the last update which is great, BUT the sync will drop sometimes still when I open the sync page on iOS (second issue listed in first post)
I then have to remove it fully from my web browser on another device, and then add it back to the sync chain.

they are doing some improvements behind the scenes i think because password sync is coming soon to iOS

It’s been working for a few days. Inserting debugging can change the behavior of a program, for example, if the problem were memory overflow.

It’s working for me currently. All bookmarks on my main bar and bookmarks within folders are updating to the latest marks.

I also deleted/added new pages from my PC to see if they would appear on my iphone (6s plus) and they did.

I deleted a bookmark from my phone and it was removed from my browser.

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Another few days passed and it’s working perfectly. Only one glitch, I added a device which had old bookmarks and these replaced my newer bookmarks. The system should ask which device is the master.

I smoke tested it and it works on my system: Windows 10 PC started the chain and is used on an iPad and iPhone. So far all works as expected. Cool :sunglasses:

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password sync is here! :sunglasses:

(version 1.37)