Brave sync on iOS is completely broken and has been for many months! - plus other bugs with sync on iOS too. (iOS) If you have iOS please read!

Well the beta release out now has basically only UI improvements so it’s still a while away

We’re still waiting on a fix I gather… I’ve been “living” with this sync issue for over a year, recreating sync chains on all devices every quarter or so, then running a duplicates remover. If the browser weren’t so excellent at removing ads everywhere (including youtube!) I would’ve switched back to Firefox a long time ago, because FF’s sync works flawlessly. Anything other than being patient and commenting we can do?

Anything other than being patient and commenting we can do?

We could try writing a review on the iOS App Store about the broken status of Sync, but I doubt anyone reads them.


Or voting with your feet prohaps and move to firefox until the situation has been resolved

@Mindfuse TL:DR = They are working on it. We are waiting for next update or so where they will let us submit logs to help determine issue.

I just reached out to iOS developer over the weekend and he advised that they are working on things. At this point, most everyone should be stabilized. People I’ve spoken with have said since they updated to the newest Brave version and the newest iOS, they aren’t losing Sync chain.

When I talked to them about lack of communication in Sync, such as browser history, he advised that only typed addresses work. However, I tested that with various sites and it didn’t sync. They said we’re stuck waiting until the next version update, at which time we should be able to provide logs to them that they can analyze and better determine what’s going wrong.

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Does that mean – because of how the History function / process works – that a URL address, that is the result of an AutoFill, does not work?

Is browser History, more than the storage of visited URL addresses?

Yeah . . . OK . . . I am searching online . . . duh. Sorry to bother.

May interest:

OK, I get it:

Date and Time stamp , typed URL address , Title

All I can relate is what they mentioned

For the history sync only one kind of history is synced which is typed history, so only urls that you enter manually in your address bar.
I think this is how chrome on iOS behaves too

Additionally in next build we add a helpful debugging menu for sync which should help us investigate issues better, it’s equivalent on desktop is this site brave://sync-internals

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I chased up the 2 devs I am in contact with last week.
One didn’t reply, but one has and said they are working on it now so that is something at least.
Hopefully we are close to the end!

This has been going on way too long now with not enough updates for this HUGE bug.

If people can tweet about it, here was my post I keep retweeting that mentions some of the devs I had contact with:

Here are the 2 twitter replies saying they are working on it:

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Thanks for following up on this so regularly!

… still broken here too.

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@lincolncannon in which way is it broken for you?

Hi Saoiray. I’m only able to sync bookmarks to my iOS device once. After that, it no longer syncs until I remove the iOS device and reconnect it to the sync chain.

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Hmm, ok. I know so far on mine, Bookmarks are keeping synced and it shows the chain not being dropped. But History never communicates. So if you’re not even having Bookmarks stay in sync, I wonder what the difference might be. In any case, we should be getting access to our debugging info to provide them in the next build. Hopefully they get it figured out!

I don’t know why you’re having success maintaining sync and the rest of us aren’t, but there’s obviously still an underlying issue that hasn’t been resolved. After the last loss of sync on my end, I uninstalled Brave and am using Firefox until this can be resolved. I’m keeping an eye on this thread, but trying to make it work day to day is frustrating and time consuming.

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sync is still ok on both history and bookmarks my end, seeing this is a random problem I suppose it’s much harder for the devs to fully pin it down

Même problème : iphone ET mac montrent chacun leurs codes ! Aucun des 2 ne DEMANDE le code de l’autre appareil ! Je ne comprends pas pourquoi ça ne fonctionne plus depuis quelques temps… Je su vrai en continu ce sujet ici tant que le problème persistera.

Same problem: iphone AND mac both show their codes! Neither of them ASK for the code of the other device! I don’t understand why it doesn’t work anymore for a while… I’ll keep this topic going here as long as the problem persists.

It hasn’t been fixed yet though. That is why.
They don’t know the cause so if some people don’t have the issue as much as others, that is normal as the issue is hit and miss between people.

This issue has not yet been resolved.
That is the a fact and the devs will tell you the same.

So if one person doesn’t have the issue anymore, that could be many different reasons as the devs don’t know the cause yet.

They added/are adding debugging to the app just so they can figure out the cause.
This hasn’t been fixed yet.

That is why everyone has different issues related to the same thing and why some might not have issues.
There is nothing we can do.
They need the debugging just to figure out what the issue is as it is that random.

I will post here as always if I hear more but it is pretty silent right now but they are trying to figure it out.

Hope everyone is doing well otherwise :slightly_smiling_face:

  1. What’s interesting is some maintain but only can sync Bookmarks. While others are saying their sync still drops on occasion. It will be interesting to find out later why
  2. We’re waiting for the next iOS update where they will implement logs for Sync that we can submit, which developers are hoping will help to identify the issue and get it resolved.
  3. That part said, according to the recent weekly meeting, iOS password sync has been completed and will be available for version 1.37 (this gets a quick mention around 1:20)

I added to the main post, but here is the release notes on releases so you can see what they fix in each release as some people think each update might be a fix lol, so at least you can see what is actually changed in each version on desktop/mobile.

They are still figuring out the cause sadly so hopefully it can be fixed soon as it has been going on for so many months.

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Thanks for keeping us posted! :blush:

And how come passwords are not syncing to iOS as will, what a shambles