Bat Disappeared partially and not credited to BAT wallet

Hello, i have been watching the ads appearing for a month on the Brave Beta.
I managed to get to 4 BAT
The 5th of the month happens (which is supposed to be the payment day) and parts of the Bat disappeared from the Brave rewards but nothing got credited to the wallet.
Please let me know what to do to fix it
Thank you

Working on the Brave Beta Version
Version 0.64.60 Chromium: 74.0.3729.91 (Official Build) beta (64-bit)
as a normal user with Brave Rewards active and with 5 ads per day

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i have experienced the same issue too


Me as well. Went from nearly 6.50 BAT down to 4.

Me to, nothing in my wallet and total down from 4 to 1 BAT

This issue as been brought forward recently.

But my wallet hasn’t been credited with anything at all either and it’s now the 6th?

Hi @Brucie just wanted to check when you opted into Brave Rewards/Ads. Because especially if you opted in late in the month, there may be no payout until the subsequent month because of how “payment receipts” are processed to preserve privacy.

created new thread with all the issues todate

Hi jscretan,

I’ve got loads of issues going on and nobody has replied so hopefully you’re still able to help!

I joined about April 20th and payment date was showing as the 5th May. On the 4th my BAT dropped and nothing showed up in the wallet. On a thread I was given a Grant if 5 BAT which when claimed didn’t show up in my Wallet. I’ve restored the wallet just to make sure and still showing zero. Using MacBook pro and version 0.63.55 and still nothing.

Hi @Brucie sorry for the inconvenience. For the drop in BAT balance, this is unfortunately still a display bug, and I think the follow up is explained in the link below. No BAT is lost and should settle on next cycle.

If you tried to claim ad earnings and it didn’t work, can you please do this? Go to $HOME/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser\Default and do a head -c 80 ledger_state . Then send that string to [email protected] (that is a sensitive account id and is not good for forums) and then we can look up your case and further investigate.

I only get this far $HOME/Library/Application Support/

Brave-Browser is not there?

The path in full should be:
$HOME/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser\Default
Do you not see the BraveSoftware folder inside Application Support?

nope the folder isn’t in there? running 10.14.4 Mojave

Sorry, I’m new to the support game, @Brucie, I just realized you can just get the same information from brave://rewards-internals/. Just copy that payment ID and email to us. Thanks!

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done and emailed to support :wink:

had no reply from support after 5 days ;-(

Hi Brucie, please check your balance again :). The transaction should come through any minute now!

I had 9.5 bats but disappeared from the browser and didn’t even credited in my wallet
My iD is [email protected]
Plz check the same

Hi, my 8 BATS disappeared : They werent credited on my uphold account, and disappeared from Brave reward
What should I do?

I’m having the same problem, i was almost on 4 BAT this month an then this number started to decrease parcially. Now it’s on 3.254, and seems to be decreasing every day.
I’m using the version 1.23.71 Chromium: 90.0.4430.72 (64 bits)
