Bat Disappeared partially and not credited to BAT wallet

My BAT disappeared this month. Ad counter seems correct but BAT counter went down a few times and is now very low.

Mine As well .Came to .9 BAT Today

I have the same issue too. I lost almost 4 BAT and its kind of frustrating.

I’ve just had the same situation. It says in my recent activity that an amount of BAT from my balance was sent 1 hour ago to Brave Software International, and it was not me that did it.
What happened? I was willing to trade my BATs now in Uphold when I saw this ‘transaction’ that I do not recognize as being made by me.
How can I have this solved? Thanks

Hello, I had almost 4 bats showing up yesterday in my browser, but this morning it only showed 1.7 or so, is there a way to fix this?

I have been using Brave for 2 months, I have bought premium subscription. Still no BAT is credited into my wallet. What is your problem?

Same here. I have been using wallet for two months. I have premium subscription and no BAT has been still credited into my wallet.