Getting ads but not BAT, getting paid less BAT from last month, BAT dissapeared a month before this

I get ads (but not daily for some reason) and since 18/01/2022 my ads stopped counting.
Also getting less BAT for this month: it showed 0,72 but I will get only 0,55 on payout.
The month before this my BAT token just dissapeared.
My wallet is not verified.

Actual results:
Checking ad history and ads stopped counting on 18/01/2022. I don’t know the reason. Ads are still on.

I am getting 0,55, but before payout I had 0,72. I don’t know how to prove this, buy in the image you can see the 0,55 notification.

A month before this (december 2021) I did not receive any of the BAT rewards. They dissapeared and/or never recieved. I don’t know why. Wallet activity shows no activity.

Expected results:
Keep getting BAT for every ad I get.
Getting paid the right amount.
Actually recieving any rewards.

Reproduces how often:
Counting stopped from 18/01 until present and still going.
Payment problems occurs every time i am supposed to get paid (end of month/beggining of new month).

Brave version:
Version 1.34.81

Additional notes:
I am using Windows 10.
In 6 days I am supposed to get BAT rewards for last month (January), I will see if I actually get paid (even if less).
Overall pretty dissapointed by the reward system.

Edit: minor typo

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