im currently not receiving any BAT for seeing ads or see any of the BAT i had remaining in my wallet. This startet some months ago and i saw here on the community forum somewhere that the team has acknowledged this problem and started working on a fix and after some time now i lost patience and wanted to ask for the status.
BAT’S are accumulated in your brave wallet (be it mobile or PC) and paid on the 5th-10th of every month as a whole. So, the next payment date is due at 8th September. And you will receive your rewards by 8th-10th of September 2021.
Same here, since October 2020!!! I was asked to send a screen shot, which I did, and - nothing! They even checked if my account has been suspended (for what???), I answered all their questions - and silence… Brave people - please help, it’s WAY overdo! Not bodes well for Brave…
+1 My july BAT desapeares and dont go to my wallet, and im not receiving BAT for ads for the last 3 weeks. And no one even answered when i didnt received my BAT from July. Some people i know not using brave anymore and im starting to understand why.
Hi Everybody. I had this issue in the past and didn’t find a fix, but it resolved itself one day, and I don’t know what changed. Sadly, a couple of days ago, the amount of BAT earned during this month has suddenly gone to zero. I have a verified and connected wallet. I have just updated to the latest version (which wasn’t promoted- I always get things on the latest version). I like the Brave platform and I think we should support it. I am hoping that my rewards come back like they did the last time. It would be very helpful if somebody at Brave would address this issue. Perhaps they already have and I have missed it, but I know this is a regular problem that a lot of Brave users have. I think from a users perspective we have done everything correctly. It is a fault with the Browser. If we could get an acknowledgment from Brave that would be reassuring. Even if they say "we know about the issue, we don’t currently have a fix, but we are working on it’. Whist Brave is a fantastic browser, the main reason we use it is to collect and distribute BAT. If a large number of users find the BAT element is essentially missing from the project then Brave simply becomes an ordinary web browser. As I said, it is very good as a browser, but the fun part that keeps us interested is the BAT. Has Brave already acknowledged this somewhere? If not, please can somebody get some dialogue going with us? We are all sold on Brave, we just need this issue fixed. Best wishes, Lee
I also lost my BAT from July and am no longer getting any kind of rewards. I was told to DM @steeven with the needed information for my lost rewards but I have not heard back.
They asked for my wallet ID and stuff, but nothing happens nor will happen.
they will say its because of your area, your operative system or anythin else and just close the topic unsolved, like they do with all the other thousands of similar topics.
try presearch, thats a good project and they do help you personally even via telegram
brave team cant help you, only close unsolved issues