Ad block not working on youtube

simple as that, ads arent being blocked on youtube with or without shields

Does the site function as expected when Shields are turned off? yep

Does the ad appear when using a Private window as well? yes!

What OS are you using when you see the ad? windows 11

**Brave version

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seems to be fixed now

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It’s an arms race, Brave vs YouTube.
Whenever YouTube ads start showing up I make sure …

  1. Latest version of Brave
  2. Manually update brave://settings/shields/filters
  3. Double check everything up to date brave://components/

Seems to be fixed == something updated automatically.
Because Brave is especially good about that.


It appears to be an arms race that’s being lost - I cannot view a YouTube video without seeing all the ads.

It’s annoying, and I know how bad that sounds, because YT has a business (but all they show is absolute crap ads that interest me not even a little), but given a choice between YouTube with all its crappy ads and foregoing YouTube completely, I’ll be forced to dispense with YouTube.

Question for the group, if I may: A lot of folks, including some on this thread, have repeatedly claimed things “fixed” (by which they seem to mean that they’re once again ad-free), I’m seeing ALL the ads and have to repeatedly skip. It it possible that removing Brave (by far my favorite browser since it arrived) and reinstalling, I could once again have the primarily ad-free YT experience I’ve enjoyed for years?

Follow on question: If I do so, what might I have to rebuild from scratch in my heavily curated Brave environment?

I appreciate in advance any suggestions.

December 14, 2024, Saturday
December 20, 2024, Friday

Re: ads and adblocking at YouTube


Brave Community Search results:

YouTube adblock not working anymore

Youtube not running on brave

Youtube cracked the ad code apparently

Ad block not working anymore on youtube

Brave ad blocker is not stopping YouTube ads anymore on iPhone 15 pro

Youtube adverts are not being blocked from 9th Dec 2024

INTERESTING INFO about blocking Adds on Youtube

Ad blocking does not work on

The arms race isn’t “lost” just because YouTube pulls ahead for a few hours.

Update everything manually when that happens. Hasn’t failed me yet.


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