Windows 10 Media Overlay no longer able to be removed

Description of the issue:
Unable to remove the Windows 10 Media Overlay when multimedia is playing (e.g. youtube)

This was previously resolved as per: Get rid of windows 10 multimedia overlay
However, the “hardware-media-key-handling” option no longer exists in brave://flags
It appears as if this option was removed in a recent update.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Open up Youtube in Brave
  2. Click on any video
  3. Change the system (not youtube) volume
  4. Both the volume level AND the media overlay are displayed


Expected result:
Only the volume level should be displayed.
This was the previous result when “hardware-media-key-handling” was disabled


Brave Version( check About Brave):
1.38.109 Chromium: 101.0.4951.41 64bit

Additional Information:
Windows 10 Home 21H2


Glad I wasn’t insane. Can confirm this is broken in release 1.38.109 Chromium: 101.0.4951.41 (Official Build) (arm64).
I downloaded Chrome to see if they could be disabled there and likewise the option is missing.

Grabbed my laptop that I hadn’t update in a while and can confirm v1.37.116 has the option. Installed it on this computer and everything is working again. Grab your relevant download here if you want it back immediately:

Search for a flag called #temporary-unexpire-flags-m100 , enable it and relaunch the browser, then search for #hardware-media-key-handling and the flag should appear.


Thanks Chocoholic this works great without having to downgrade browser versions.
Ideally Brave needs proper implementation of hardware-media-key-handling, as it appears that there are plans to remove #temporary-unexpire-flags-m100 which would soon render this workaround ineffective.

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