It was noticed on the Latest Brave Update ( that the Hardware media key handling flag disappeared in the brave flags. Enabling “temporarily unexpire M121 and M122 flags” did nothing to workaround the issue and this flag does not appear no matter what. Increasing/Decreasing the Volume on Windows 10 is a nightmare, please fix asap.
similar issue.
The media key handeling seems to be broken. Brave is registering my media keys when before it did not.
Problem consistent across websites. All media control flags disabled. Have tested with other browsers. Brave is up to date.
debilitating to my workflow, so need to stop using brave for now.
Hopefully a patch soon, thanks in advance
Yep mine just disappeared, and now I am cursed with the ridiculously unneeded volume banner.
Mine too, came here for a solution, but seems there isnt t one yet…
Same issue here im trying to look for Temporarily unexpire M100 flags also to enable the media key again so i can disable it but the option for Temporarily unexpire M100 flags is not there anymore in the flags
Same issue. There’s no way around it and it’s incredibly intrusive.
Yeah, as far as I can see there’s no longer any way to disable media key handling as of the last update. I wonder what was the reason for them to remove it.
theres a working solution on the chrome subreddit
I looked into it from that Chrome Reddit comment. This is what I did.
Exit any running-instance of Brave.
Find the shortcut you normally use to launch Brave.
Create a copy of it
Right click on the new shortcut, and select Properties
At the very end of the Target: text box, add a space and then
(should be 2 dashes before the word Disable. It looks like one long one when I add the extra dash here) Click Apply then OK.
- Double click the new shortcut to launch Brave with the new command line flags.
I’m looking for a fix as well
I’ve brought this up to the team — please note that this flag was removed from the Chromium engine upstream (that is, we did not intentionally remove this).
Will reply back here when I hear back from the team on what we can do about this.
for anyone wondering why this stops working, like it did for me, make sure you launch the browser ONLY from the shortcut. when you launch it from your taskbar in windows, it doesn’t apply the setting & your media controls are still hijacked
original post:
this stops working after awhile for me. i woke my computer up from sleep and my media keys started being hijacked by Brave again.
it’s a chrome issue, which sucks. but hopefully the brave team can implement a fix, because it’s a genuine deal breaker for people.
Same here
I hope that a solution will be proposed, this function is too intrusive.
It’s sad, Brave is my favorite browser, but it ruins my experience,
it makes me want to go back to Chrome, and I wouldn’t want to
Edit : in my case : after an update, same issue with Chrome and Edge
For now, only Firefox and Opera keep the possibility to disable “Hardware media key Handling”.
Having the same issue. Hopefully it gets fixed soon, it’s very intrusive.
This worked Thank you!
- Exit any running-instance of Brave.
- Create a shortcut of Brave
- Right click on the new shortcut, and select Properties
- At the very end of the Target: text box, add a space and then
should have two dashes before the word disable
I then added brave to my taskbar from that shortcut
Brave also brought back the flag as of the 3/27 release 1.64.113
according to the Google Chrome forums, they have brought back the hardware media key handling flag in 123.0.6312.86
I saw the options was return.
Thank you for the feed back
Flag was brought back via Chromium and can be found again in brave://flags