My issue is with the Widevine extension. Since I first installed Brave along with reinstalled since I still cannot get a successful install of Widevine. The notification to install Widevine only ever happens once per browser profile and never again. Despite selecting to install Widevine along with a perceived download, install, and clear automatic browser refresh, sites requiring Widevine still indicate that I need the extension. Computer restarts, Brave uninstall and reinstall, and new browser profiles to get the Widevine install notification have all resulted in no success. I must have “installed” Widevine over seven times now.
Reproducing this issue is relatively easy for me:
1. Create a new Brave browser profile.
2. Go to and sign-in to Netflix.
3. Launch a movie or show.
4. Select “install” on the Widevine pop-up.
The browser will automatically refresh after the install without Widevine actually being installed.
Version 1.2.43 Chromium: 79.0.3945.130 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Netflix and Spotify load up and run fine on Chrome, Internet Explorer, and the new Microsoft Edge.