I’m a new Brave user (from Chrome), and am really liking Vertical Tabs, and Groups.
However, I would love if it were an option to ‘pop-open’ the tabs of any one Group, horizontally at the top of the page - this would give a ‘conventional’ browsing experience within the Tabs of any one (or more?) Group(s), in that moving between a Group’s tabs in this scenario would be done ‘horizontally’, while moving between Groups, would be done by using the 'Vertical Groups + Tabs down the side.
This would imply a ‘2D grid’ of hierarchical organisation, where we can Group the Tabs for a particular workflow and access them ‘horizontally’ along the top, and flick over to a different Group for another workflow/set of Tabs arrayed vertically down the side.
It could also be ‘the other way around’, ie ‘Groups & expand/collapse for all the Group’s Tabs’ across the top ‘Horizontal’, and have the 'Active Group’s Tabs in a Vertical stack down the side, as with the present ‘Vertical Tabs’ arrangement.
It could even be ‘both’, an ambidextrous form that allows the user to ‘organically-build’ their workspace, between different Groups with open/closed sets of Tabs, between Vertical and Horizontal Tab Groups - each group could be allocated to one, both, or neither, of the Vertical, and Horizontal arrangements of Groups/Tabs.
Overall, this would allow for a ‘second-dimension’ to come into play, in the organisation of our Tabs. Might be a bit crazy, but the option for doing this would be amazing, experimenting with setups.