Vertical Tabs vs Horizontal, and using 'both' across differing Groups & Tabs


I’m a new Brave user (from Chrome), and am really liking Vertical Tabs, and Groups.

However, I would love if it were an option to ‘pop-open’ the tabs of any one Group, horizontally at the top of the page - this would give a ‘conventional’ browsing experience within the Tabs of any one (or more?) Group(s), in that moving between a Group’s tabs in this scenario would be done ‘horizontally’, while moving between Groups, would be done by using the 'Vertical Groups + Tabs down the side.

This would imply a ‘2D grid’ of hierarchical organisation, where we can Group the Tabs for a particular workflow and access them ‘horizontally’ along the top, and flick over to a different Group for another workflow/set of Tabs arrayed vertically down the side.

It could also be ‘the other way around’, ie ‘Groups & expand/collapse for all the Group’s Tabs’ across the top ‘Horizontal’, and have the 'Active Group’s Tabs in a Vertical stack down the side, as with the present ‘Vertical Tabs’ arrangement.

It could even be ‘both’, an ambidextrous form that allows the user to ‘organically-build’ their workspace, between different Groups with open/closed sets of Tabs, between Vertical and Horizontal Tab Groups - each group could be allocated to one, both, or neither, of the Vertical, and Horizontal arrangements of Groups/Tabs.

Overall, this would allow for a ‘second-dimension’ to come into play, in the organisation of our Tabs. Might be a bit crazy, but the option for doing this would be amazing, experimenting with setups.

I think that would be a great way to organise our tabs. Alt-tabbing between different windows can get a bit tedious, especially when you have other programs open and the order of windows changes each time you move between them.

This might however complicate moving tabs between different groups. A solution would be to add something akin to a copy/paste option to the context menu when right clicking a tab, or perhaps a “Move to group…” option?

This is probably an even crazier idea, but here goes: Workspaces. Imagine having a workspace for studying/academics. Inside the workspace you have groups for different subjects, e.g. Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Engineering. Inside each group (subject) you have tabs that can further be grouped into different topics, e.g. geometry, algebra, statistics, calculus.

A possible layout would be as follows:

Workspaces -
Dropdown menu at the top left side of the browser. Opens when clicked or hovered over. Allows you to select from different workspaces, or add a new one by clicking a “New Workspace” button with a plus on the side (just like the vertical new tab button).

Example: College Coursework

Groups -
Horizontal tabs on the title bar. A “+” button to create new sub-groups, just like creating a new horizontal tab. Creating a new sub-group opens a new tab page by default.

Example: Mathematics

Tabs -
Normal vertical tabs. Can further be grouped into sub-groups, identically to how it is done now.

Example: Sub-groups for statistics, differential equations, and matrices, each with their own tabs.

This might be somewhat excessive for most people’s needs, but I would love to try it! It could probably be pretty useful for some.