Side / Vertical Tabs

We are testing Brave and it is great!

However, a complete hard-stop and total dealbreaker (i.e., why we cannot use Brave) is that it apparently was released without support for side/vertical tabs, which have been available in many leading browsers (e.g., Firefox, Opera) for more than a decade, either natively (preferably) or with extensions.

The reason why millions of users require side/vertical tabs are several, including that they:

 A.  Let users see much better and more clearly what tabs they have open; and
 B.  Use the much larger side space on today's wide aspect ratio monitors, rather than "wasting" the much more precious space at the top of the screen (as top tabs do).

Indeed, many computer experts have said precisely the above. E.g., Steve Gibson on his award-winning podcast, “Security Now”.

So, can Brave please add this mission-critical feature sometime in March 2020? If so, that would be great! Thanks!

Kind regards,
Evan Katz
New York, N.Y.
Managing Director, Crawford Ventures, Inc.
Former Director on the Hedge Fund Association (“HFA”) Board of Directors
Former Contributing Editor of “Personal Computing” Magazine

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Hey, everyone! You will LOVE this amazing side/vertical tabs extension for Chrome/Brave/Edge. It works perfectly and has many fantastic options! :slight_smile:


“Many fantastic options”. It has 5 options.
It does not show in all my tabs.


Hi pacmac.

Good morning! I hope that all is well with you.

Yes, Vertical Tabs indeed has many fantastic options. :slight_smile:

I have been using the extension for months, on several browsers, and it works great on all of them! And I also frequently have communicated with the extension’s brilliant and also very friendly developer.

The extension indeed works perfectly on all websites, except for certain special pages (e.g., Edge’s, Brave’s or Chrome’s own Settings page, for example). If you find a normal/regular webpage on which the extension does not work, please reply to this post with the precise URL, and I will test it and let the developer know.

Have a great weekend!

Best regards,


Edge just added this ability for horizontal vs vertical tabs. I am growing to love it since I can see the whole name of a tab and from a security perspective makes it easier to manage.


Agree. The extension cannot work on various websites/pages (including this page)

Native Vertical tabs from Brave would be highly appreciated.


The extension doesn’t remove the top tabs bar, which creates a kind of confusion in navigation and user interface.

The inclusion of a sidebar for tabs (with the removal of the top bar) would be really helpful.


Google is currently working on aside bar… You can look for it in flags, but it’s for reading list and bookmarks. I think the next step should be tabs.

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Microsoft Edge is a good example. They handled it perfectly in my opinion. That’s the way I’d like to see it in Brave.


In my opinion, Opera does the side tabs best. So many things to use, including control of utilities like history, downloads, etc. I love Brave, have been using it for months, but occasionally, due to topical searches I do, like grocery prices in five stores in town, I need side tabs. That makes me have to use MS Edge, which I hate doing. PLEASE ADD SIDE TABS, the way Opera does it. MS Edge still leaves some things to be desired.

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I do not think Opera has sidetabs though. It only has a side panel if I am recalling correctly

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Here’s the thing. Vert tabs are not a Chromium feature. The only browsers that have this natively are Edge and Vivaldi. (While Edge and Vivaldi are Chromium based browsers, they built this feature themselves specifically for those browsers.) Firefox doesn’t have it, Opera doesn’t have it, Chrome doesn’t have it. I don’t think the Brave folks are ever going to take the time to build a major feature like this because that just isn’t their priority. If vert tabs ever come to Chrome, it will probably trickle down to other Chromium based browsers like Brave, but Brave isn’t going to make it happen themselves. It would take too much of their time. I’m with you, though. It’s a great feature and I wish Brave would get it.

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Nobody has side tabs except Edge and Vivaldi.

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If Brave gets vertical tabs, I’d make the full switch from Edge.


Update – Since my above post from about eight months ago, I have been successfully using the Vertical Tabs add-on/extension in all of the leading Chromium-based browsers (e.g., Brave, Chrome and Opera), on both Mac and Windows, and Vertical Tabs works perfectly on each and all of them. :slight_smile: In Firefox, we use the different but similar extension, Vertical Tabs Reloaded, which also works perfectly, again on both Mac and Windows. And Edge, of course, now already has built-in/native side/vertical tabs. So, in sum, side/vertical tabs are available and can work perfectly on every leading browser! :slight_smile:

You can see the downward triangle aside the window controls… but i’d rather prefer to display vertical tabs in side bar reading list.

True, except when vertical tabs are not a native feature, an extension will leave the horizontal tab strip in place. Then you have your tabs both across the top and down the side. This can be awkward.

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I have several friends that are security focused, and some use tor.

All of them LOVE the vertical tabs in Edge.

As much as I hate Edge I have to agree, it’s almost a criminal waste of narrow laptop and PC displays to have horizontal tabs.

It’s a small thing, but makes a huge quality of life improvement.

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Aside from potential security/privacy issues, I actually think Edge is really nice. The menus, the vertical tabs, the download and history dropdown or side panels (your choice)—the whole look and feel, really. I think Microsoft has done a great job. I know Brave can’t move resources away from privacy and BAT stuff to focus on the UI and other bells and whistles. I wish there was one browser that had everything I wanted.

As pointed out in the Github issue - this issue tracker may not reflect how highly desirable this feature is.

There used to be another link back in 2016, see:

So basically the votes in {this thread} are significantly underestimating how bad the community wants Tree Style Tabs or at the very least vertical tabs.

Brave is my favorite browser, but there are 2 things that keep me on Firefox.

I can live without the containers (Brave Profiles), but the vertical tabs are incredibly useful.