Uphold stopped accepting deposits

Good day!
Uphold suspended deposits, but for several months payments went to it, until wallet verification turned off. I would like to know if it is possible to return the funds Brave Rewards, which went to Uphold after the suspension of deposits?

At the moment the wallet is not verified

In the past, all payments went to Uphold

Recently, the country has ceased to be a custodial partner

What region are you from ?
Also what do you mean ?
You’re talking about creators account or the brave ad rewards?

From Russia.
The problem is related to brave rewards. Rewards were transferred to the Uphold account, but funds were not received to the account due to the suspension of deposits.
Uphold support said to take this issue to brave

Umm not sure. @Saoiray @rodrige @Aman_M any help you can provide? , thanks.

The first time I see someone asking for the BATs on chain to be converted back to vBATs. Nice but that’s not how it works. :grin:

If your BATs are in your Uphold account but you can’t access them, then I’m afraid there not much can be done here. It would on Uphold to take a call.

You should disconnect your Brave Rewards if you haven’t already. You will get to claim your BATs during payouts then. More info here- Uphold no longer serves Russian users. Where to send BAT tokens now? & Important: Uphold no longer supporting countries in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Balkans region.

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