Unable to link Brave Rewards to Uphold (Possible KYC Issue)

Briefly describe your issue:

Attempting to link Brave to my Uphold account. Verification on Uphold has been done.

What Operating System and Brave version are you using (Menu --> About Brave)?
Windows 11 Pro
v 1.63.162

Is your Brave Rewards Profile currently verified? (yes/no)

It isn’t letting me create a rewards profile because I can’t connect to Uphold correctly.

What date did you connect a your Brave Rewards Profile?


Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past?

First time setting it up in a very long time. It was 2021 the last time I got a payout on this uphold account. Never using this computer.

Are you using a VPN? (yes/no)


Are you in a supported region (see here for list of supported regions)?

Yes, US.

Have you fully completed Uphold’s CDD requirements?


Additional Information

I went ahead and pulled the logs. It seems to be either a certificate error or an issue with the KYC response from Uphold.

Specific Log mentioning the failed KYC check and certificate issue.

> URL: https://grant.rewards.brave.com/v3/wallet/uphold/cc1b6aea-6e5c-5e89-9cad-9d0ae80d41c3/claim
> Result: Failure
> HTTP Code: 400
> Body: {"code":400,"message":"error linking wallet: wallet could not be kyc checked: failed to submit transaction: failed to perform api request: Post \"https://api.uphold.com/v0/me/cards/704fe005-411e-4199-96e6-053d0a969d52/transactions\": failed to validate certificate chain: the server certificate was not valid"}
[Feb 24, 2024, 1:54:01.6 PM:ERROR:post_connect.cc(96)] Unknown message!
[Feb 24, 2024, 1:54:01.6 PM:ERROR:connect_external_wallet.cc(116)] Failed to connect uphold wallet!

What is happening when you’re trying to connect? What specific message is popping up?

Or what’s going on?

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Aggregate Topic = Uphold Connection Error: Try again later

To add to this error message, below are screenshots of what I can currently see.

New Tab




I’ve been seeing some reports. I think there just might be issues on Uphold’s end. When I check status.brave.com the only thing having issues is Aurora, which has nothing to do with it. One thing you can do though is create a Rewards Support Ticket at https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001302431 just in case something is wrong with your Rewards profile that Brave can fix. Otherwise, I’m assuming might just be a temporary issue that should be resolved here within the next few days.

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Moved to aggregate topic at Aggregate Topic = Uphold Connection Error: Try again later