The sync feature not working properly

Description of the issue:
I had to uninstall my brave browser from my Android phone because it stopped showing ads since September, and the next payment date was frozen on that date (Sept 5).

After reinstalling it, it started showing ads again, but for some reason it stopped syncing with my desktop browser.

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.

  • Remove first installment of the brave android from the sync chain.
  • Deleted all data of brave from my device
  • Uninstalled brave browser from my Android device.
  • Install again
  • Add my device to my sync chain, using QR code.
  • The device is listed in my synced devices but nothing is syncing between them.

Reproduces how often:
I removed it and added it to my sync chain 2 times already. Same results.

Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):

Type of devices currently running on the Sync chain in question:

  • 2 laptops, one running windows 8.1 and the other running windows 10 it’s in both the sync seems to work.
  • My android phone, the one with the problem

Additional Information:
Before uninstalling the android browser the sync feature seemed to work properly, except for the option to sync settings, that one never seemed to work even between the 2 laptops.

@Mattches, @tmancey, a bit of help here please :pleading_face:

I notice that you’re using an older version of the browser – I would recommend removing your devices from the chain again (to start fresh), then updating your browser on both desktop and Android to the latest release, then try Syncing again.

my bad, I meant version 1.18.75 Chromium: 87.0.4280.101 (Official Build) (64-bit).

but I’ll try re-syncing all my devices.


I’m curious, in the sync chain there is something like a principal node?,
I just noticed one of my laptops was in the version 1.18.70, and when I updated it everything seemed to work, even with my smartphone :thinking:

I guess my problem is solved :slight_smile:, thanks

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Please let us know if the problem pops back up again!

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Please unlock my brave account.I can’t open my account and rewards. I am regular user brave browser. Please chake my activity