Sync isn't working

I’ve typed the 24 words exactly into the other browser and I’ve checked those multiple times. Nothing is happening. Both devices only show themselves in the devices list and nothing is being synced anywhere. Whenever I flip “sync all” (and every other button as well) and I reload the page, everything’s it’s set back to off.

Can you try toggling the Sync all option, then quitting both browsers entirely, then relaunching one of them and see if data is synced?

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What the hecc it worked. Thanks :slight_smile:
I still can’t join the sync chain on Android since I can’t leave my old chain there.

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It’s worth noting that I’ve seen this same behavior on my end when testing Sync and it eventually resolved itself and sync works as intended. I’ve reached out to the team for more information on the behavior.

Android update will be rolling out today – as soon as you get that update, you’ll be able to Sync Android data.

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Thank you very much for the VERY quick support. And thanks for working on Brave, it’s awesome

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Glad that got resolved! Thanks for the kind words – I’ll be sure to pass them along to the team :slight_smile:

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