Hi and welcome to the community.
I am replying to your post in Tabs in the loaded page is not working. That topic has been solved meaning the OP found a solution for their issue. Generally, most community members (me included) try not to post in solved topics. Any posts after a topic is solved is likely to get overlooked. I have posted in solved topic but I try to keep it short and sweet and only post additional information I think (imo anyway ) would enhance the solution.
You post for reference:
Tabs in the loaded page is not working - #11 by stevesteve
Is the de-AMP feature likely to get fixed to prevent these issues occuring?
I think so. Brave GitHub has a lot of issue reports on AMP (De-AMP) both open and closed. Most of the work is being done on the back-end, so most fixes or updates will probably not be in the release notes for version updates.
Below I have posted a search query for AMP on the Brave GitHub site. You can browse the open and closed issue reports to get an idea of the areas being addressed. Closed issues may or may not be in the Brave Release version yet. You can look at the Milestone for an issue to see the planned release. Planned releases are not set in stone and are subject to change!
For now, the workaround is to just disable the AMP settings for any OS experiencing an issue. I think you probably disabled already, but reposting the information just in case.
ISSUE: URL Wrong Redirects / Unusable Page Tabs / Image Issues
- Disable
Enable De-AMP
at brave://flags
- Disable Auto-redirect AMP pages at brave://settings/shields
Workaround Sources:
Tabs in the loaded page is not working - #8 by highwind85
The website of a newspaper displays a cryptoโs website instead - #12 by CerealLover
Google Images Issue (Please Help!) - #4 by Mondfarmer
Youtube over the last few days seems troubled - #2 by 289wk
I hope you have a great experience using Brave Browser! I really like it. Took me a while to get accustomed to navigating, but in the end, it is now my default browser. Good luck and take care!