Title says it all. I type a search into the address bar at the top, autofill shows Google Search beside it. I hit enter, it starts to load the google page and then isntantly redirects it to a bing search. Why?
Can you share your OS, Brave version, and maybe a short recording/gif of the issue?
Additionally, a screenshot of your search engine settings. https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017479752-How-do-I-set-my-default-search-engine-
I think I saw a very similar issue recently and it had to do with a particular extension installed. Do you have any extensions installed at this time? If so, can you try disabling them and see if this changes the behavior?
I do have a few extensions installed. I will go through them and deactivate them one at a time and see if that fixes my issue.
Edit: I found the extension that was causing the redirection. Thank you for your help.
It turns out it was a volume control extension that was causing the issue. It had been fine up until today but started messing things up apparently. I can’t remember its name either because I can no longer find it when searching for the extensions…
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