As you can see, up until May of 2020 and further back I was able to consistently get around the mid-20’s in BAT awards every month. Ever since that it has consistently been reduced month by month where now I’ll be lucky to get even 10 BAT per month as can be seen in June, July and August of how much it reduces. Why is it that rewards are being reduced and this is even though I’m consistently using the browser the same, if not more actually, during this pandemic. So shouldn’t the rewards be increasing? Something is fishy. Thoughts?
I think BAT’s per ad has been reduced
Well, if you received less ads, then you’ll receive less BAT. Receiving the same amount of ads also will not guarantee you’ll receive the same BAT since BAT you received per ads is vary @Pete3.
Thanks. But it still doesn’t explain how for months I was consistently receiving the same payout and now all of a sudden it’s decreasing consistently every month. My surfing habits haven’t changed either. That and I have three machines that I’m receiving payouts from and they’re all seeing similar behaviour. If it was just one of them I’d understand something was up, but all three? Something is different across the whole platform and @srevarun maybe onto it if he just posted where he read “BAT’s per ad has been reduced.”
My answer is still same @Pete3.
How am I receiving less if my browsing hasn’t changed? You’re dodging. it’s probably increased during this stay at home period.
@eljuno My question is still the same.
Which is basically same like @srevarun said.
OK, then can you tell me why the BATs per ad has been reduced and continues to reduce month by month? Did Brave change their model?
No. It’s not reduced. There’s a vary ads value available. Some ads give you more BAT than others.
It’s depends on the advertisers themselves when they setting up their ads campaign. They can set the ad value higher or lower.
The one thing that never change is Brave’s promise; user get 70% of the share – for user ads.
There not have minimum bid ads? Can advertiser bid price lower than 0.025bat?
Example … bid 0.001bat.
There’s. This one
What i noticed is some ads get 0.05 BAT per ad , and most of them now a days get 0.025 , i guess that’s the reason brave’s wallet is showing xxx.xxxx digits now a days.
Thank you all for the responses. On a related note I wanted to ask if the use of another adblocker, such as uBlock, interferes with getting Brave Rewards or receiving more of them. Can anyone confirm? @eljuno @srevarun
I don’t think that would interfere , because brave shows ads via notifications .
Then why the cost of 1 ad has decreased to 0.01BAT, when you say that the minimum threshold is 0.025BAT
payment from publishers are made commonly in real money not BAT, so if the publisher establish for example 1million dollars to display 100million ads for a country, well, if bat price goes up they can´t pay the same amount of BAT because user rewards is backed up from those 1million dollars, they can not pay us what they don´t have.
If you look at the Bat rate, then it grew by only 40% on average.
Whereas the price for advertising fell 2.5 times
Probably to cover network fees to uphold on payments at the end of the month. Ethereum network has a big problem with gas fees right now. On past days Uphold had a 30BAT fee to take out BAT to other wallets, now is lower but the problem hasn´t been resolve in the ethereum blockchain.
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