Brave rewards decreased from 2.047 BAT to 1.945 BAT

I logged out of my computer yesterday after 10:40 PM (IST). When I logged out, my Brave rewards card was showing 2.047 BAT, and in the morning when I logged in to my Brave browser again, rewards card is showing 1.945 BAT. I think I lost my BAT. My auto-contribute setting is “off”. I don’t know how or why my rewards were decreased. Kindly refund if possible.

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did you get a payment this moth? jul 07 and on, if the answer is yes, how much it was?

Hey, same issue here, I had like 2.077 BAT lastnight and only have 1.200 now. This has also happened in the past to me. I one time had 8 bat earned one month then the “payout” took place and it only gave me like 4 of the BAT.

I had 6.6 or so bat in browser estimate. And 10.9 bat were sent to my uphold account. What you see in the browser rewards is not 100% accurate. It is “Estimated pending rewards”. So it can vary from that number.

look here. Since pay-out I received like half a bat from ads etc.

It also might have been a readjustment in your case Saiteja. Happened to me a few times aswell. You actually did not lose anything, brave just readjusted to what you actually earned.

I am paying for brave services and can not see the rewards icon Magic’s disappeared along with my firewall. Waste was working great last year not so much now.

None brave is a mess now not sure whose managing but they’re not doing the job

@Mattches @GreenBananaPorridge I think you need to take a look at this

Thank you for reporting! Please DM with the following information:

  • Copy/paste your Wallet ID (found on brave://rewards-internals)
  • Your OS and Brave version (first three lines in brave://version)
  • A screenshot of your Rewards panel in Settings --> Brave Rewards.

This will help to speed up the troubleshooting. Thank you in advance!