Profile flagged? SOLUTION HERE [working 29/4/22]

I think the title of this thread is extremely misleading and it’s content (OP) is borderline trolling. I would like to address a few things here though.

:point_up: This is correct and we do inform users when they’re unflagged that any due payments should be included in the next payout.

I hear your feedback and understand your frustration but This is a fraction of the whole truth. As some users have been saying, we are a very small support team (and team in general) tasked with assisting and responding to hundreds to thousands of individual users very single month. And we do exactly that to the best of our abilities. That said, we are human and it is literally impossible to assist everyone all the time as things are now. For example, I had a handful of DMs that I didn’t respond to as I left work last night — after responding to at least 100 today, my inbox now shows 385 new DMs:

Additionally, resolving individual users issues is not as straight forward as you may think and can often require; correspondence with other teams/team members, clearance from team managers/higher ups (which may not come immediately), cross referencing databases and other threads, and a litany of other tasks. This is in addition to our other support duties we have that are not direct interaction with our users. There is no “press this to fix everything” button and even if there was there would still be people who find a way to be dissatisfied with our service :slight_smile:

So what are we doing to address this?

  1. We are in the process of hiring additional Support team members to aid in the volume of requests we’re receiving.

  2. We are starting to funnel more users into our ticketing system as Rewards issues (in particular) are easier to track, tag, and pull data from which helps us with #3 below.

  3. We are constantly working to improve our anti-fraud detection and review process, such that less users get flagged incorrectly (as the system is not perfect) and those that do end up being incorrectly flagged can have the decision rectified sooner.

  4. We are removing linking limits for user wallets as this will help with volume in general and prevent at least some back and fourth between support and users (which, as stated above, often takes more time than you think). This is a non-trivial implementation which is why it has taken a while to bring to fruition, but I can assure you this is being worked on and will be rolled out as soon as it is finished.

Lastly, I’d like to hit on something that I’ve certainly said before — it’s easy to look at Community and see the litany of complaints/issues/etc. and think “Man I guess Brave/Rewards/everything is really broken!”. When in reality, the overwhelming majority of Rewards users see ads, earn BAT, and are paid out without any issue every single month.

To illustrate, let’s say we get 2000 users on Community saying that they did not receive a payout this month — which is already generous considering in reality, the number for that specific issue is actually far less. Then let’s multiply it by 5, just for fun — so 10,000 users claiming they didn’t get paid out. Being additionally generous, lets say by some miracle not a single one of them is fraudulent (this is literally never the case). Even then, this would represent an extremely small fraction of our Rewards user base — less than 1%! This is not an excuse, nor any attempt to say that the smaller fraction of users with issues shouldn’t be addressed. I’m simply pointing out that the smallest group can often have the loudest voice.

I do hope this helps our users understand a bit of the position we are in. We (support and Brave team in general) do value our users and work hard to assist as many people as we can with the tools and resources given to us. We are not joking when we say we appreciate your understanding and patience.

With all that, as I said initially, I am going to close this thread due to the title being misleading. For anyone in this thread:

  • If you have constructive feedback on how we can improve Community or something you’d like to see change for everyone’s benefit, please use the Community Feedback category. Additionally, you’re welcome to DM me personally with your feedback — although it may take me a while to respond (for all the reasons stated above) since I will prioritize user issues first, but I do promise to read them all.

  • If your wallet is flagged and you think that it has been flagged wrongfully, please submit a ticket using this from and we will be happy to review your case.

Thank you.