DO NOT re-install as it will make it impossible for us to restore your BAT balance!
Quick Update for iOS users:
Latest version is 1.16.2.
If you recently installed the hotfix v1.16.1 (May 15) and your main wallet balance dropped to 0.0 BAT or decreased unexpectedly, please do not panic. This is simply a display issue and has been fixed with v.16.2 (May 18). If you haven’t yet received the automatic update, you can go to the app store and update to v1.16.2 manually.
Quick Update for Android users:
Latest Version is 1.8.112
Fixes include:
- Issue with verified Publishers not showing up as verified.
- Ability to claim Rewards.
1. IMPORTANT NOTE: There are two sets of users on Android. (1) Some will see their earnings (or claim button) appear immediately; (2) others will see the payment show up in a few days after the hotfix has been applied.
Remaining issues:
Some users on Android are reporting that their balances are decreasing or going to 0.0 BAT unexpectedly, especially after a recent update. This may or may not be related to the hotfix patch. We are currently investigating, but we do not expect there to be any permanent BAT loss.
We have just released Brave 1.8.96
for Desktop. It includes fixes for the ads claim bug. Please update your installation of Brave via brave://settings/help
, reboot the program, and any BAT you were unable to previously claim will appear in your wallet.
If you are experiencing this error on mobile devices, you will need to wait for these upgrade versions in order to successfully claim:
Android 1.18.1
iOS 1.16.1
Dear Brave Community -
Thank you for being patient as the engineering team sorted out the errors and have things working. All of the errors are now fixed at the server end and most Ads users should be able to claim their BAT or have it deposited to their Uphold account by tomorrow AM.
One exception that impacts less than 5% of Ads Rewards users;
For the users that tried to claim Ads earnings very early last night, they will need to get a software upgrade for their browsers before the claiming of Ads Rewards will happen.
Timing for such an upgrade:
We will post as soon as we have that and the work has already begun cross-platform to make it available.
Thank you again for believing in us and giving us the time to get it right.
The Brave Rewards Team
UPDATE from Rewards Team: May 6th, 8:29 AM PST
Dear Brave Community,
This is a quick update that we are experiencing some errors with our Ads Rewards claims that may cause some of you to experience errors in claiming your earnings. This may cause some frustration but do keep retrying. We have been working on the fix for the past 24 hours and have not been able to resolve yet. We will update this thread as soon as that happens.
Some quick notes;
- Users that are using Uphold user wallets are not impacted
- Users that are impacted via the error above will not lose their BAT
- This error is cross platform and impacts all platforms
Thank you for your patience and bear with us. We will update as soon as the issue is resolved. No reason yet to reach out to us. We will update next steps as soon as they are available.
Thank you,
The Brave Rewards team