Low volume on all pages in Brave browser

For a few weeks now I’ve noticed a problem in Brave browser where the sound on websites isn’t very loud even though the sound is maxed out in Windows settings and through the audio player itself. When I go to other browsers or apps, the sound is normal.

I’m not sure how this can be reproduced, as this occurs naturally when watching any media through the Brave browser.

I’ve seen other posts about this same bug from a while ago but didn’t see any solutions.

Version 1.9.76 Chromium: 81.0.4044.138

Hi @iamsocool, thanks for reaching out
Can you give some example sites this happens on?

Can you try creating a new profile and seeing if the issue persists?
Click on the menu icon in the top right corner > create a new profile.

I use Youtube the most so that’s where I most often hear it, but I’m pretty sure it’s all sites. Also, I created a new profile and it was still much more quiet compared to window in Chrome.

Can you try going into your OS settings or volume mixer and seeing if you can adjust Brave’s volume?

Hey @iamsocool I’ve had the same problem on twitch last night, the sound was lower in Brave than in Chrome.
I turned off the Brave Shields and turned it on again.
It kind of fix the problem.

Can you try that on youtube ?

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