Ive been earning BAT since 2019, and every day for 24 hrs initially, anyway all of my accumulated BAT are nowhere to be seen?!
Quite frustrating and I would really appreciate that this is sorted and I can maybe get some basic guidance as to how to keep good track and secure my earnings as otherwise it simply is not fair.
Can someone with Brave Rewards pls look into this and restore/get back all my missing/lost BAT please, last time I checked before this terrible shock to the system, I was about 200(SORRY!) BAT up
Thanks in advance
2k Bat in 2 years seems unrealistic to me. I used brave for months, and got 2$ worth of BAT.
I think he meant 2.000
me too, it not fair.
the fact that one has no verified wallet shall not mean that they have the right to reset all the precious progess.
I tried brave browser out in November (therefore I hadn’t previously recieved any payments) and this morning (December 1st, 2021) after browsing the news, i opened a new tab then the BAT counter dropped to 0.10
Version 1.31.88 Chromium: 95.0.4638.69 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)
I hadn’t got it verified neither uphold or gemini, just local brave wallet
supported region?
region 18
SafetyNet check?
I’m using PC
and yes I did manualy turned Auto-contribute off, eventhough I am not linked neither with uphold or gemini.
ouch 200 bat at todays prices is a real loss
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