All my BAT have disappeared (resolved)

Hi, so this morning I have checked my BAT and it is showing that I’ve earned 0.00 BAT. I had almost US$10 worth and it all seems to have vanished. This is annoying for me because I view a lot of ads for this. It really puts me off and makes me question why I bother with Brave…

is it about the BAT in your wallet or do you mean the brave rewards? (Brave rewards you can* redeem into your BAT wallet every month)
if it is about the Brave Rewards try to wait a little bit, maybe it comes back. it happened to me once. After around 2hrs the amount appears again.

*in my case i can not anymore :frowning: the reward system seems very buggy - so many problems about it mentioned here at the community pages and only sometimes a solution was found

In my wallet. It has reappeared now thankfully. It does seem awfully buggy but I guess it’s what happens with complex new systems…

luckily you!

in my case i am still waiting for help. (i dont want to reset the browser it would somehow like burning 20Dollars for nothing)

One to one problem, like mine, only after that I could not get an email from them to login at all for 3 months.

Issue resolved