Newest update removed all saved passwords
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Brave Version( check About Brave
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Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?
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Brave Version( check About Brave
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Anyone this really messed me up big time
@ihavenoname Unfortunately, you haven’t given enough information for anyone to be able to say much. To make it worse, it could just be that you’re experiencing a known issue as discussed at NOTICE: Unexplained Data Loss Issue. All I can advise is to check that topic as linked and provide information there.
For future reference, please check out Creating Topics.
It can also be beneficial for you and others if you spend some time to Search Before Posting. You may see some things that have helped people before, but then might also have seen that topic I linked at the beginning of this post.
Sorry you’re having issues. As stated, definitely not able to help with no data. Just would have nothing but a lot of questions and guesses.
The above said, I do want to tag in @steeven and @Mattches on this, just as a reminder people are still experiencing this issue and to hope they can check back in over at NOTICE: Unexplained Data Loss Issue as well because they haven’t replied there in a long time.
Also on Community Call right now and mentioned it there, trying to bring back some attention.
HI thanks for the update. I wasn’t really sure what more to provide as this was the latest beta build and I updated. Nothing seemed to change other than the password issue. I tried to search but i didnt see any issues related to password issue related to this most recent beta. I will check your thread
Latest update all my passwords came back
Version 1.60.96 Chromium: 118.0.5993.88 (Official Build) beta (arm64)
If passwords disappeared and then re-appeared, could be an encryption issue. what arm64 are you using? Linux or windows?
For example when you use --disable-encryption-win
or whatever is the name, you don’t see the passwords that were added when encryption was on, and the other way around, you wont’ see unencrypted passwords when you run Brave encrypted.
Just disappearing and appearing is a weird behavior, you could have opened the passwords Login data
SQLite file and check the passwords were there too, because that would have helped to say “passwords exit in file but not browser”.
but unless an error in browser not reading passwords file correctly or encryption, then it is weird they just re-appeared like that.
Yes it is very strange. I’m use mac os latest arm64 beta. I havent changed a single setting.
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