Invalid sync code Erorr 444

I save my sync code and formatted my PC, then when I got Brave back and paste the sync code it gives me invalid sync code and I noticed it’s only 23 words including the word of the day

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It should at least be 24 word. 23 word is wrong. You probably have an incomplete sync phrase.

I copied it 3 times, they’re the same 23 words including the word of the day

What version of Brave are you running?

it’s the latest version

Hi there @Gezz2231 please accept my apologies for this inconvenience. Could you please provide me with your Brave, Windows version and a screenshot of the error.

Also note that it’s a 25 word chain, make sure you’ve copied the right code.

Be waiting for your response.

Hi there @Gezz2231 are you still experiencing this issue or has it been resolved?

Be waiting for your response.