I reset my windows machine, issue is when i use the code from my android sync its says 23 words and invalid. I really need to get my stuff synced from my mobile.
Sync has been 25 words for a while now. Yours is probably too old or just copied incompletely. I’ll tag @mattches to see if there is anything that can be done.
It should be 24 words, plus the rotating 25th word. Can you please try entering the code again and include the 25th word linked above and tell me if this works for you?
Thank you
The code is 25 words, but browser says its 23 which confuses me
That is strange — I will ask about that. Did you try it with the 25th word?
The code already ends in that 25th word
The code should be 24 words, plus the word from the site I linked to above. If you have 25 words then one of them is does likely not belong there — is it possible that you’ve captured an additional word here somehow or perhaps entered the same one twice?
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