Home and End keys no longer work properly…

  As of an update or so ago, the “Home” and “End” keys no longer work correctly, when viewing a page.

  When not in an edit box, the “Home” key should take me to the top of whatever page I am viewing, and the “End” should take me to the bottom of the page.

  likely related, I have noticed that if I click in a static text section of a page, a blinking cursor appears as if it was in an edit box. The Home, End, and arrow keys move this cursor in a manner that would be expected in an edit box.

  Apparently, something has gone astray with Brave, that it is treating static text incorrectly like an edit box.  I think this is what is preventing the proper behavior of the Home and End keys.

Version 1.58.131 Chromium: 117.0.5938.92 (Official Build) (64-bit)
running under Windows 10 Pro 22H2 19045.3448 Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19044.1000.0

It sounds like you’ve enabled caret browsing. Simply open the browser and press F7 to disable it and let us know if this works for you.

Thank you

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  Looks like that was it.  Though behavior is still a bit odd on this page, on this forum.  Home now take same to the start of this page, but End takes me to a point not quite at the actual end.

I have verified normal behavior, now, on a few other sites; and on a few forums that seem to use the same software as this, the same behavior as here.  That’s a slightly different issue. End ought to take me all the way to the bottom of this page, on this forum, and it doesn’t.

  And on another note, an obscure setting like this “Caret Browsing” it shouldn’t be so easy for a user to accidentally turn such a setting on, and have no idea why the browser is suddenly behaving so differently.


This is a standard browser feature that you will find present in most browsers (and all browsers that leverage the Chromium engine).

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